I've never seen the dry, or darker coloured kind before, only yellow and sticky
What kind of earwax do you have?
Thats what you're supposed to have.
The former means you need to seriously clean out your ears.
But it does feel great once you've chiseled out a dark yellow dry hunk of ear crap.
I've never seen the dry, or darker coloured kind before, only yellow and sticky
That is because those are fictional.
I think it'd be cool if earwax could be blue
I think it'd be cool if earwax could be blue
Or a defense mechanism.
This is gross,okay let's see…. -_-
My earwax is rainbow-colored.
My earwax is red when it's extra hard to pick it out.
None, for I just cleaned my ear.
Uhhh… my earwax ranges from clear to white and it's very soggy, it also smells horrible. When it's clear it's just a smelly liquid. When it's white it's more chunky and will come out in blobs when I use my pinky like a plunger.
It's inherited, my Dad had ears which were soggy all the time as well.
What's bad is when I get crack inside my ears from the fluid drying and draining the moisture out of my canal.
(and no, I'm pretty sure it's not swimmers ear, cuz the medication for swimmers ear hurts WAY to much and also doesn't do much in the way of eliminating fluid and only makes the cracking worse high alcohol content)Peroxide's my bff
I also have a cream that's supposed to help the cracks 'n shit, but I never remember to use it unless its hurting :IHope you enjoyed being grossed out by my medical issue :V
… Huh??
I never even knew there were "kinds" of earwax...
Well, due excessive use of head phones I recently had some infection in my ears and for some reason my earwax turned liquidy and clear yellow. Otherwise, normally its just... waxy and not clear yellow...
I guess normal earwax? I wash my ears and all that, so it's not really an issue.
my earwax is colored bright red…wait that's not right.
And I read somewhere that it is in genes whether the wax is dry or not.
So don't go saying "I have the normal type" since there are two. Mine is kinda complicated since it is almost dry when I don't have hearing aids on, and when I do, it is weeeet. And stupid wax gets in my aids and prevents from hearing… Must clean so damn much, the aids I mean.
My ears are pretty good with the wax. There is so little of it so I don't need to clean my ears too often. Wehee.I'm so interested in earwax after the issue of my science magazine >XD
! [qimg]http://images.cheezburger.com/completestore/2009/10/28/129012215055506221.jpg[/qimg]
Die .
Side note: I want to collect mine for a while and make a candle.
And I read somewhere that it is in genes whether the wax is dry or not.
So don't go saying "I have the normal type" since there are two. Mine is kinda complicated since it is almost dry when I don't have hearing aids on, and when I do, it is weeeet. And stupid wax gets in my aids and prevents from hearing… Must clean so damn much, the aids I mean.
My ears are pretty good with the wax. There is so little of it so I don't need to clean my ears too often. Wehee.I'm so interested in earwax after the issue of my science magazine >XD
My hearing aids seem to give me more ear wax. It's really annoying.
@ iPenguin - Yeah. I feel like that too. But I suppose that it is because the wax is tangible then >__> And the moist. Moisture in earhole is annoying.
Moisture in earhole is annoying.
Glad to know I am not the only one with earhole problems…
Actually, sorry to hear that... everyone :sad:
LOL, what kind of thread is this? Are you running out of things to discuss about or something, Holy?
! My earwax depend on situation. When I get lazy, it's dark red. Most of the time it's light-ish yellow. Always sticky.
This thread should be merged into the general discussion thread IMO. -
Tbh , I thought of this when I read the title:
Why would they put wax in their ears???? -
my is dark brown..
and it taste awfull
but .. usually the color is like a very light brown -
ahhh, STOP that!!!!
You taste your earwax? Hahaha Let's put some earwax on these Ice creams, shall we?
I was just about to post the same. Seriously guys, don't taste your earwax. It tastes bad.
I've tasted it too. It tastes weird. Really.
And I bet Dryish… has dryish earwax is shot
Guys guys, now I want to taste my earwax, you fiends.
Naaaaah I am an adult now, don't do such things.. BLECHHHH it tastes horrible.
At least I warned you. It does taste terrible.
Mine is yellow.
I am guilty of having tasted that shit, too. I clearly remember how awfully gross it was.
I think my earwax is… normal? That's what I think, although I don't particularly care for it.
My ears are itchy right now.
I think my earwax is… normal? That's what I think, although I don't particularly care for it.
My ears are itchy right now.
But there are two types of normal. Which one you belong to?
Maple Syrup.
the mental image of Hiroy,puting earwax on hes waffles
comes to mind -
Note to self.
Don't click on a thread with 'earwax' in its title when eating dinner.
Maple Syrup.
Best kind of earwax.
Mine is all fluffy like and smells of cookies. It's color is light purple. =)
Yeah, no. It's just boring yellow and sticky. -
… Seriously... Huh??
People are actually discussing tasting earwax?
Why don't you start a debate about how eating snot during childhood is enlightening...
Though I too am curious enough to have tasted it... and yes, it tastes horrible. Blood tastes okay though...
I don't particularly care for it.
Congratulation. You are mentally normal.
Shall we make a "What kind of color is your poop?" thread ? -
blood taste like iron..
God Holy Hell.
Why would you pick earwax over boogers.
Let's keep on topic here.
So has earwax ever REALLY been put into a form of candle? I've heard of it but don't believe it to be true. I wonder how it would smell when burning XD
I once saw a video where a guy cleaned his furniture with his earwax..
I personally never saw my earwax.
That may be the reason why i can`t understand when somebody tells me something. -
I clean my ears every single morning, I think its a form of OCD. I feel dirty if I don't
I laughed when I read the tittle of this thread. I'm also guilty of tasting my own earwax (it really is bitter) and also of throwing it at a friend! haha.
Here is a little extract to enlighten us:
Different individuals vary considerably in the amount and consistency of their ear wax. There are two types described, wet and dry, which are inherited. Dry wax is common in Asia, while wet wax is common in western Europe. Dry wax, also known as "rice-bran wax", contains by weight about 20% lipid (fat). Oddly enough, rice-bran wax is associated with a lower incidence of breast cancer (Hawke, 2002).
Wet wax consists of approximately 50% lipid (Burkhart et al, 2000). Wet wax can be either soft or hard, the hard wax being more likely to be impacted. While ear wax is generally simply felt to be a nuisance, in medieval times, ear wax was used as a component of pigment for illumination of manuscripts (Petrakis, 2000). Too little ear wax increases the risk of infection (Fairey et al, 1985). Too much wax also increases the incidence of infection and hearing loss. So, you want just enough. -
I knew it was in the genes.
Damn. Had earbuds in a little while ago to block out noise from the other room while I worked on finals. Now my ears are soppy and itchy. Dammit why'd my regular headphones have to break >:I
I think I'm gonna go pour some hydrogen peroxide in my ears and see if that'll open 'em up better…
Sometimes red. Sometimes yellow. Sometimes brown. Always wet.
I used to have sticky, but then it changed and now it's dryer.