What is your religion? Does it ever make you wonder if you should be watching One Piece?
Feel free to state your religion. No judgement passed.
What is your religion? Does it ever make you wonder if you should be watching One Piece?
Feel free to state your religion. No judgement passed.
Insert mandatory shitty inb4lock meme here
Does it ever make you wonder if you should be watching One Piece?
I am mildly disturbed at the fact that it is conceivable that One Piece could be against religious principles.
I am mildly disturbed at the fact that it is conceivable that One Piece could be against religious principles.
Oh believe me , religious nutjobs are capable of forbidding one piece.
Heck I even know some who are against anything pictured, drawed or filmed.
Exactly, there are some wackos that have religious issues against Tetris!!!!
I think the main arguement was Devil Fruit and pirates in general.:getlost:
There's only one true religion and that is Roman Catholicism. Everything else is heretical.
Or so I would say if I were Mel Gibson. Most of us are a lot more cool than he is. He's got more rage bottled up in there than Brian Wilson.
Note that since I am RC the probability of me being Mel Gibson is not zero. :ninja:
Orthodox Marxist.
He's got more rage bottled up in there than Brian Wilson.
Only when Mike Love isn't in the equation.
I am Christian and as such believe that you are going to hell for creating such a shitty thread. And for being a homosexual Muslim Jew. Good day to you sir.