I did actually. Well, I read about the series online, then downloaded the fansubs.
Love followed. I wouldn't have ever got into One Piece without Kaizoku-Fansubs.
Then again they were the only option.
You just proved him right in the same sentence you tried to say he was wrong.
His point was, nobody just Discovered Kaizoku's version and instantly fell in love with the series, you heard about the series through that online source first. That was what got you into One Piece. Kaizoku then became the intermediary that got you the series because you chose them over the other options at the time (There were scanlations around, and Viz was starting up the manga. Plus there was a Fansubber before K-F as was said earlier)
His point was, that nobody just went "Oh hey, look, Kaizoku Fansubs! I wonder what this is… "One Piece"? Hmm, I'll watch this, I never would have heard of it if not for K-F".
You did not hear about it thanks to K-F, you saw something concerning it online and then that made you research further.
I know everyone loves K-F, and they did bring people The best quality One Piece stuff during a time when 4kids was the only alternative, But they've made a lot of mistakes and unleashed some really stupid stuff onto the fanbase. Because of them, the fanbase now thinks "Nakama" is a super magical word that must never be translated ever. Because of them, pretty much all fansubbers these days feel compelled to add StUpId FlAsHy AtTaCk EfFeCtS to the video that distract from the action. And because of their attitude, there are some people who refuse to purchase an official release because the official releases actually "Translate" the show properly. They see "Seven Warlords", "Navy" and "Crewmate" or "Friend" and think the official subs are wrong.
It's like my Late Grandfather. I loved him with all my heart, still do. I will never stop loving him. Before he passed away, he just needed to file ONE Piece of paper with the Veterans Association, and we would have continued to get his benefits. We could have paid for all of his funeral stuff and paid off all his debts with that, and we could have used the extra money coming in since we were losing his normal income. We lost our house and had to move into an apartment now. I had to drop out of college to start working full time to support the family, and we're in debt up to our eyeballs.
We would be fine if he just filed ONE PIECE OF PAPER with the VA saying we were dependent on him and needed his money.
I love my Grandfather, always will. But he did something REALLY stupid by not filing that piece of paper. I can admit that because its true. Even though I love him, and he's recently passed away, he fucked up.
It doesn't effect my fond memories of him in the slightest, it's just the truth.
K-F has unleashed a lot of REALLY stupid BULLSHIT onto this fanbase. You can love K-F, you can keep having Fond memories of them. But they unleashed the scourge of "Nakama" on this fanbase. They did something stupid, they fucked up. Just accept it.