I have little to say that isn't "everything, just everything". Because Etrian Odyssey III is pretty absurd in how fun it is. I've been following the series ever since the original game was first previewed on news sites way back ("anime Wizardry" sounded so great) and I have to admit, seeing it grow the way it has has really been rewarding as hell, because EO3 is one of the most overall and complete sequels I've seen in a long time.
In case you're unfamiliar, Etrian Odyssey is a dungeon crawler DS game with a focus on the exploratory. With a map you have to chart yourself and gameplay that rewards you in subtle, small ways as you inch closer and closer towards the bottom, it's a game that requires a specific kind of player to enjoy it fully. But don't take that to mean it's bare-bones.
EO3: The Drowned City, obviously the latest iteration, is rich in content and charm. The gameplay is enjoyable and your custom-made party… customizable, but it really succeeds in the "full" package. Its narrative is not story heavy by any means, but it certainly keeps the world feeling alive (or brutal when in the dungeon) and in that regard it's a success. It's a bit hard to explain, but there's always a bit of enjoyment to be had for returning to town after getting to a new floor, being met with new dialogues for all the townsfolk. Or, to be wandering through the barren (if not gorgeous looking) dungeon and to encounter the rare NPC, whose appearance and dialogue (ranging from simple guards to actual characters) can feel welcoming and fresh after working your way through a maze-like labyrinth, dodging FOEs.
It has charming flavor text basically, something that was more unique to the second game, but very much improved in this sequel. As stated above, everything was improved, really. It was pretty exciting to pick the game back up and gleefully notice all the little additions and changes.
Not to mention the addition of the ship's ocean exploration is a great distraction. It is effectively acting as an entire second dungeon, but operating more like a puzzle (I have x moves to get to here, how can I navigate my way over to that island? Do I have enough of that area mapped out to have a clear route? Do I even have enough moves? Where may I find a new part? Etc).
I wank over this series basically and I'm rambling. I was mostly interested in if anyone else purchased this last week and how you're enjoying it, if you even are.