I am so excited about this! Given I couldn't find a thread on this yet, I wonder if many people here are familiar with this or the source material.
If they pulled off a solid adaption, this will be a seriously good series to follow.
I am so excited about this! Given I couldn't find a thread on this yet, I wonder if many people here are familiar with this or the source material.
If they pulled off a solid adaption, this will be a seriously good series to follow.
Same here. The comic book is pretty good and AMC usually delivers the quality. Can't wait.
Is it really a miniseries though? There was some talk about a 2nd season being confirmed last month…AMC later debunked the news, but they didn't deny the possibility.
I haven't read the comic and in general I don't care much for zombies…but I am a huge fan of AMC's original material and I like the idea of having a miniseries (6 eps I believe) so I will definitely check it out.
I went to the panel at NYCC. Looks good. They plan for many seasons (no idea how long the comic is). But if what I saw is any indication, I hope they do get more seasons.
Watched the first episode, thought it was pretty good. The episode spanned 1 full chapter, and about 12-13 pages into the 2nd chapter, with a bit of a story difference with the comic.
! I really like the actor they got for Morgan. Instead of getting picked up by Glenn shortly after his horse gets eaten, Rick hides in a tank, and the radio goes off with Glenn calling him a dumb ass, asking if he's comfortable/cozy in the tank. Then the screen pans upwards showing the horde of zombies eating the horse, and trying to get into the tank.
! It also shows right off the bat that Lori is with Shane.
If it keeps up the rough 1-1.5 chapters I can see them ending the season around
! the Wiltshire Estates arc/saga.
I was about to watch the "leaked" episode, but the quality is pretty meh…wait an extra week won't hurt.
I'm glad to hear it's living up to the hype though.
Well it looks like the 6 episodes are mostly going to be filler.
! A lot of the mini-series will most likely be Rick in the city, introducing the new filler characters, and end with Shane dying(which probably won't be Carl shooting him like in the comic. The season 1 finale will most likely be when Rick becomes the leader, and tells everyone that they need to leave the edge of the city and find a new home.
So the mini-series may only be up to chapter 6, but with a lot more filler.
Saw the premiere. It was good. Guess everyone else saw it early.
Surprised it was a 90 minute episode instead of 60. Rick turning the corner in downtown Atlanta was a great oh shit moment.
Good show, very well directed. If not a little slow paced. Looking forward to the rest.
I was a bit dissappointed by this premiere to be honest. Was expecting more.
I was a bit dissappointed by this premiere to be honest. Was expecting more.
Why? It was pretty much a carbon copy of the first chapter, except for a few minor details, and more of Duane's father. If anything, I think the comics first chapter goes a bit to fast. I like this slow pace rather than getting straight to the point like the comic does.
I am very glad I saw this thread this is on my top 3 of of best comics of all time so I will be DVRing this from now on
Pacing in the first episode was pretty slow. Also most of "surprise" moments in the first episode were pretty standard for zombie movies. I'm intrigued to say the least, i'm really interested in the subplot involving his wife sleeping with his partner. Hope the pace picks up just a bit though.
Sadly I just want it to start at the prison arc so it doesn't fail before they get the chance to do such an amazing plot and the end of that season would leave none comci book readers in shock
I watched the pilot yesterday and it really exceeded my expactations. The acting is good, the characters are interesting and relatable, the atmosphere is convincing and the cliffhanger was great. I wasn't bored for one second which doesn't happen very often (even if I really love the program I'm watching). I'm looking forward to the next episode.
Does anyone know how many episodes there're gonna be?
Oh, and could you please use spoiler tags for people who haven't read the comics?
I watched the pilot yesterday and it really exceeded my expactations. The acting is good, the characters are interesting and relatable, the atmosphere is convincing and the cliffhanger was great. I wasn't bored for one second which doesn't happen very often (even if I really love the program I'm watching). I'm looking forward to the next episode.
Does anyone know how many episodes there're gonna be?
Oh, and could you please use spoiler tags for people who haven't read the comics?
6 episodes for the 1st season, then 13 episodes on succeeding seasons.
Sadly I just want it to start at the prison arc so it doesn't fail before they get the chance to do such an amazing plot and the end of that season would leave none comci book readers in shock
Danny Trejo as the Governor please.
I'm usually not a big fan of zombie flicks, so I truly wasn't expecting a lot out of the pilot.
Thankfully, my expectations were proved wrong: this is pretty good. The directing and the acting are decent, and, though a lot of people thought it was slowpaced, I thought it was pretty damn exciting and suspenseful. Though the series does feed off most zombie stereotypes, I still don't see it as coming off as hackneyed or cheesy. I've seen the whole "turn the corner and there's a streetful of zombies" move pulled about a hundred and four times by now, but I was still muttering "oh shit oh shit oh shit" when it happened.
Looking forward to seeing where this series goes. By the looks of it, it had the most views ever for an AMC series premiere, so my hopes are high for the time being.
For anyone who's read the series, do Duane and his dad make a reappearance, or is that all we ever see of them?
ive never read the comics so i had none of those expectations… and i thought it was terrific
the pacing was perfect...maybe not if you've read the comic but i haven't soo
For anyone who's read the series, do Duane and his dad make a reappearance, or is that all we ever see of them?
They are brought back into the story somewhere around issue 60, so we won't be seeing them for quite a while. Lets just say that the next time we see them things have changed.
I watched the first episode this weekend I'll watch the new one soon, But I bought the first 4 volumes (soft cover ones) of the comic and god I love them and I need to read the rest so bad, wish I had the money.
I thought the episode was slow paced and they made the zombies more menacing I felt, but it was good I liked the end it seemed like the story was only gonna get better from then on, and yea well the comic gets amazing.
! I really like how they used the very cliche rub yourselves with zombie stuff to trick them.
! Looks like they'll be back in the city next week again, kind like in the comic, but for a different reason. They may raid the gun store while they're there, though.
I hope this won't be an annual thing, and will have a continued series schedule. Like Season 2 starting in May or June/July.
! I really like how they used the very cliche rub yourselves with zombie stuff to trick them.
! Looks like they'll be back in the city next week again, kind like in the comic, but for a different reason. They may raid the gun store while they're there, though.I hope this won't be an annual thing, and will have a continued series schedule. Like Season 2 starting in May or June/July.
Its not 'zombie' stuff. Just a dead person….they had to smell as tjhough they were dead....
That scene when they're
! hackin up that body….man that was just gruesome....
Also i felt sorry for
! that racist at the end…..he was an a-hole...but even he didn't deserve that...
Great openin 2 episodes so far. I was lookin for a good post-apocolytpic series to watch and this 1 came at the perfect time.
Its not 'zombie' stuff. Just a dead person….they had to smell as tjhough they were dead....
I'm referring to that, and the comic. Not only with a dead person, but with a zombie and every other blending in with a monster or creature. Shaun of the Dead, Tremors 2, etc.
So they're zombies but their muscles, vision, and olfactory/auditory senses still seem to be fully functioning. They can solve solve problems like climbing ladders and even hop fences and run….what school of zombie are we talking about here. They feel like 28 Days Later zombies but those weren't really zombies at all...
Last episode was incredibly corny. I mean, I still like the series, but the cheesiness made me cringe at times.
Dickson: what a shitty character. He's just the stereotypical racist bigot, except that he's completely unrealistic. As opposed to being a despicable, nasty human, he just comes off as this generic despicable, nasty antagonist. He has really no human qualities except I DUN WANA DIE, and he thus becomes pretty mediocre and boring.
The slow-motion sequence of the key falling into the drainpipe was dumb too. The slow-mo emphasized the corniness, but… really? A tiny drainpipe? Not... hmm... I dunno, the side of the building? No, let's go with the drainpipe: that seems more probable.
Oh yeah, and fucking lol at the zombies uprooting and pushing over the chainlink fence. Even a mob of humans would find it nearly impossible to tear that thing down, but here we have a pack of lethargic, enervated zombies who can take it out with just about a minute of pushing and shoving. lol
I liked the corniness. The dead-serious tone in the first episode annoyed me. Zombies and corniness go hand in hand.
But the racist was a completely pointless character.
But the racist was a completely pointless character.
I agree completely. But
! He's not gonna die in the next episode.
Also spoilers for the season finale in December.
! Shane is still in the episode….so if he's ever gonna die, that would be a good time..the last episode has them in a hospital
The racist will be fine.
! Those zombies won't make it to the roof and even if they manage to climb the staircase they can't get the door open because it's chained up. The guy is more likely to starve to death but I'm sure he'll either somehow get a hold of the hacksaw or do something drastic to get out of the cuffs.
So they're zombies but their muscles, vision, and olfactory/auditory senses still seem to be fully functioning. They can solve solve problems like climbing ladders and even hop fences and run….what school of zombie are we talking about here. They feel like 28 Days Later zombies but those weren't really zombies at all...
Night of the Living Dead - Zombies use bricks, logs, etc as tools.
Return of the Living Dead(obviously not Romero) - Zombies run, talk, think and trick into sending more paramedics.
Day of the Dead - The Undead(at least 1) learns to act like his past life(barely)
Land of the Dead(we shall never speak of this again) - They use weapons.
While Romero's new shit is crap, and most of the "of the living dead" series is bad, a lot of zombies have shown what has happened in the Walking Dead series.
Muscles would eventually rot out with the rest of their body. Besides the brain having twitches after death, it would probably have something to do with that, thus the cliche of shooting zombies in the head was created. But applying logic to a show about dead bodies coming back to life, and moving without any blood pumping through their system, seems pretty useless to do anyways
! Since the dead come back to life, regardless of how they're killed, we're going to assume that the virus or disease or whatever it is, is airborne. And that the bite from a zombie, doesn't turn you, but rather, infects you cause of the diseases, and bacteria that a dead body holds with it. Causing a mild fever, then death.
Personally, my favorite rendition of zombies is from The Walking Dead(comic).
Though with the season finale being;
! A hospital, the director/writers might of made up a reason on why the recently dead come back to life. They might of even gotten rid of the whole airborne thing as well.
! Since the dead come back to life, regardless of how they're killed, we're going to assume that the virus or disease or whatever it is, is airborne. And that the bite from a zombie, doesn't turn you, but rather, infects you cause of the diseases, and bacteria that a dead body holds with it. Causing a mild fever, then death.
! In this series, everyone is already "infected" with whatever is causing the zombification. Death is just the catayst for it to happen.
! Zombie bites simply cause a 100% fatal infection.
But meh, zombies. They're stupid, and I never understood the appeal.
This series is more about the relationships and how people deal with increasingly horrible shit, not to mention Kirkman's utter ruthlessness in killing off characters.
It's good for what it is, but still. Zombies. :/
! In this series, everyone is already "infected" with whatever is causing the zombification. Death is just the catayst for it to happen.
! Zombie bites simply cause a 100% fatal infection.
That's basically what I just said.
Though what I want to know(but probably won't ever find out, thanks Kirkman.)is why do zombies eat? Can dead things actually digest food, where does all that flesh and guts go when they eat it? I kinda hope they go the Zombieland route, and show more obese zombies.
A better question is why they all didn't rot.
Because, well, dead flesh.
In Atlanta.
A better question is why they all didn't rot.
Because, well, dead flesh.
In Atlanta.
Slap some BBQ sauce on those zombies and you got yourself a cook out. Tasty.
Maybe they don't rot fast because flies and bacteria die if they injested undead flesh?
But they do rot.
Kirkman said that's pretty much all they do. Unlike Romero's zombies, they eat and rot. That's it.
Hell, the first episode really laid it on thick with the flies everywhere. That's a touch that I hadn't seen before, which made it seem all the more disgusting.
It is weird that they include zombies freezing from the cold, but not rotting from the heat.
I really liked the first episode, and hope we get more stuff dedicated to the comic material more. I know they change locations quite often in the comic, but it'd be cool to get the awesome stuff.
! .When they get the Governor in Season 2, I hope they include his undead daughter.
.If they ever do get to Rick's daughter, I don't think they'll include her getting blasted with a shotgun. I think they'll just end up having Lori have a miscarriage, and then get shot later on. Though that scene, and Tyreese getting beheaded was a powerful, fucking out of nowhere scene.
.Duane as a zombie, I hope the mini-story with his dad in episode 1 will have a connection with Duane turning.
Halfway through the fourth episode and loving it. This is the best episode yet: perfect balance of intense action and drama.
EDIT: So the episode is over now… holy fuck! Holy fuck! Holy fuck!
And that's why you always have a lookout during the zombie apocalypse…
I sort of want to see what Merle's up to. Where else could he have gone besides the camp?
Yeah at first i was think he'd go back and kill them but now i'm think we probably won't see him till the finale since there's only two episodes left…which is BS...
Really enjoyed this episode. Very intense and emotional. Didn't expect to see
! Amy bite it quite so early. Caught me a bit off guard, since I haven't read the comic. No sympathy for the wife-beater guy (Ed), though.
! Also, the final encounter with the Vatos really just tickled me. Abuela power.
Yeah, and I don't think Merle would just abandon his brother; judging by Daryl's reactions regarding him, the two seem pretty close. I think his destination is the camp, but he might just laying low due to his injury and his rather strained relations with some of other survivors. I also doubt being chained to the roof and (more or less) left for dead will have improved his temperament, so I anticipate a confrontation when he undoubtedly pops up again. He's probably just waiting for the ideal opportunity.
As someone who, strangely, had never read the comic, I have to admit at being fucking absurdly surprised after watching the first two episodes of this and then reading some of the comic.
When someone said a chapter an episode I didn't realize they meant chapters in such a short way. Holy shit! The television show is so… different!
That episode was FANTASTIC! It had everything, and changed the scenery up really nicely. Last 3 episodes has basically been the same thing for the entire episode. This one had a chunk of everything. Definitely the best of the season so far.
Only 2 episodes left… Gee, why did AMC film a 6-episode season then turned around and picked up a 13-episode season before the first had even aired? You'd think they were testing the water with the first season, but they debunked that themselves.
The best part about last night's episode was that Robert Kirkman himself directed it.
Hope we see Merle tonight.
Started watching this last week, I am LOVING it so far! I like how indepth they get with the characters and you actually care about if they live or die. Going to see ep. 5 tonight =3
New episode was the worst yet.
ugghhhhhh fucking terrible
I really liked it. I've gotten used to the pacing now. Only one episode left, not sure what they're going to try ad accomplish in it. There was some overacting that was a bit annoying but hopefully the CDC will have some answers…
I have just seen the penultimate episode. The third and fourth were really boring (except the last five minutes of the fourth). This episode, instead, was very exciting.
I hope to see a great final season and I hope in a lot of revelations. :drool: