The Acid Mothers Temple is a unique soul collective of various Japanese experimental musicians brought together by guitar god Kawabata Makoto. Operating under the idea of a family, there are various offshoots and bands under this label, such as "Acid Mothers Temple & the Melting Paraiso U.F.O.", or "Acid Mothers Temple & the Cosmic Inferno". Each band typically contains aforementioned guitar deity Kawabata Makoto, though a few do not, and the AMT family has also collaborated with other experimental bands, creating more name combination schemes like "Acid Mothers Afrirampo".
All of AMT has one thing in common: the psychedelic. From floaty space rock, to a more aggressive noise rock, to the simple hard-fronted psychedelic dream-scape, they continuously have explored and performed in every single angle of psychedelic music imaginable. Most of this fronted by a man who has stated he does not create music, only absorb cosmic frequencies like a radio tuner, replicating and releasing the sound of otherworldly forces through his guitar.
They are a rare breed of band (with over 50 albums altogether) whose releases are simultaneously redundant and necessary. Flawless and impenetrable. They have not released albums. They have released a discography. There are oodles and oodles of releases with absolutely no clear, or concise, starting point. There is no best album. They are all good. Some albums shine more than others, but as a whole there is little to differentiate the quality. It is simply Acid Mothers Temple doing what they have always done and doing it consistently well. In fact, I know a variety of people into AMT who have vastly varying ideas on their favorite group and albums.
Sounds intimidating? In senses it can be, very similarly to if you've ever tried to look into an artist like Sun Ra before. But if you are into the psychedelic scene in any way, you'll probably be able to start at any location. They all lead down the same path. My personal favorite would be Acid Mothers Temple & The Cosmic Inferno's Iao Chant from the Cosmic Inferno, which is a reinterpretation of a reinterpretation of a cover. It's approximately an hour long. It is one single track. By the time it's over you will have seen God. Did that turn you on, my friend?
For fans of: western progressive music, era 1970s. General psychedelic rock. Hard rock. Japanese noise music. Space rock. Really wacky musicians who play silly covers of Deep Purple live. All of the previous things combined into one soul collective.
jump straight to 1:42 if you want to hear their sound without the keyboard buildup.