I dunno if anyone of you played or tried out "The Ship", some years ago, but it was basically a game where you were inside a Ship, you had your own (randomly generated character) and your objective was to get out of the Ship with the most money when the round ended.
Well… that game has evolved into the fucking awesome Spiritual Sequel that is "Bloody Good Time", in which you're actors killing other actors for fame.
At the end of the game, the one with most fame wins the game.
Hunt) You are given one target, your objective is to kill that target, there will be a lot of weapons at your disposition, each weapon will have a randomly generated "prize fame", meaning, a randomly ammount of fame you will get for killing your target with that weapon, your objective should be to kill your quarry with the weapon that gives the most fame and avoid the Hunter that is after you (killing him as many times as possible)
Elimination) Same thing as above, but, when you kill someone, you will be given another target, if you die at the hands of your hunter, you will be out of the game, and this will proceed either until time runs out or there's only one single Hunter and everyone else got eliminated
Revenge) Same as Hunt, but when you kill someone, you get another target, if you get killed by a Hunter, when you respawn, the guy that killed you will be your quarry.
You also have to be careful with cameras and security guards, they will try to arrest (take away all the fame you earned with the crime they saw) if they see you doing a crime.
And also, you have to keep with your needs, if you don't sleep for way too long, you'l be slower, if you don't eat for way too long, you'l be weaker, if you don't poop for way too long, you'l be less resistant.
Its a pretty fun game, its arcadey and action-based, but its also about paranoia and carefulness, those who will randomly shoot everything will get penalized for killing people that aren't your quarry or hunter, and will lose points.
Its a pretty awesome game, and at 5 bucks on Steam, you really can't go wrong.
Aside from the stupid AI (this game sucks at Single-Player with bots), this video shows everything you need to know