At some point around 1984, a man by the name of Planxty Noel said the Pogues were disrespecting Irish music and he presumably felt they should feel very, very silly- as well as possibly ashamed of themselves.
The Pogues responded by doing a jig and naming it after him.
Celebrate the Pogues here motherfuckers and if you have yet to hear what they sound like, then by god, scroll down and download Rum, Sodomy & The Lash post-haste.
1984 - Red Roses for Me: their quite fine debut album. The most overtly traditional of The Pogues releases, it is composed mostly of tunes of Irish folklore, celebrating their heritage and parading it with the arrogant jackassery of a drunken buffoon. Very fine folk stuff, but not nearly as iconic of a sound as they would achieve with their next release.
1985 - Rum, Sodomy & The Lash: The Pogues' magnum opus and a musical masterpiece. This album combines the traditional music of the first album with a newer feature: Shane MacGowan's brilliant knack for writing songs that may as well have been classics. The album opener, "The Sickbed of Chulainn", puts the balls to the wall and within a minute into it, blows away everything The Pogues had done on Red Roses for Me. As an added bonus, the reissued/remastered edition of the album I've included here combines the Poguetry in Motion EP, which contains the masterpiece track BODY OF AN AMERICAN. With this addition, Rum Sodomy & the Lash is perfect.
1987 - If I Should Fall from Grace with God: The Pogues' final worthwhile release, this album marks their shift towards other folk stylings, such as the Mexican flavored "Fiesta". They also begin leaning more than ever towards original work and (sadly) a more "normal" rock and roll approach. After this album, the Pogues begin to lose their flavor and everything that made them great. Eventually, Shane MacGowan, the brilliant frontman, self-destructs and is removed from the band. With nothing left, they slowly deteriorate.
Let's celebrate these three exemplary works with a drink. I recommend them with an utmost love.