Ye gods, James Lameron? Seriously? I'm not looking forward to how he'll dumb this one down for the public, especially since it's one of Lovecraft's best.
Agreed . Surprised people read Lovecraft here at all , only references I found were stemed in how he was such a big hack etc.
Anyways this is a prety good piece , and it's prety much impossible to do , because it bases stuff on things everyone knows that are not true , meaning that other range of mountains in the back .
I only saw a piece of the Shadow Over Innsmouth adaptation , which was named after Dagon , which is a good , very moodie and I'd say purple story that you realy have to let sink deep to understand , yet it has nothing to do with it . It wasn't that bad , the skinning was certainly rather…..disturbing , but there are some things that just look foolish in real life . Like the tiara that the captain was wearing .
The begining where they throw that thing in the water though , that was prety intense .
edit : whoa , surprised so many here actualy read it .
Ya know I was just thinking about Zann . It could make a good independent film if done right , at least .