Hey im wowzabunny
and im new
just wanna introduce myself lol
i like one piece and thats it really, and im up to date with it aswell
if yous got windows live, invite me
hope to post alot of helpfull things :D
Hey im wowzabunny
and im new
just wanna introduce myself lol
i like one piece and thats it really, and im up to date with it aswell
if yous got windows live, invite me
hope to post alot of helpfull things :D
Yo, welcome to the forum.
Be sure to have a lot of fun!
thank you very much
welcome on the forum !
since your'e up to date did you like chapter 598???
yeah, cant wait for the new one piece to come out! :D
Where is admiral when you–-oh welcome.
Welcome to AP.
Welcome :). Nice title, soon you'll be able to learn Haki in these wounderful forums :D!