Hello there, everybody! Not sure if this has been done yet, but here's a thread where you can post cute pictures, stories, videos, and more. Let's start off with this:
The Cute Thread
whats cuter than this?
Haha, that one's great! We're off to a good start!
(And yet somehow I have a feeling that this thread is going to tank…):ninja:
Someone post pictures of baby ducks and penguins now!
Haha, that one's great! We're off to a good start!
(And yet somehow I have a feeling that this thread is going to tank…):ninja:Not so much Tank as probably close - It's an ok topic but what some people here find cute might break a fragile mind.
Maybe I should've started a "Cute Animals Thread" instead… -
Corgi time
How about this little cutie right here?
Cute Luffy gif? Two can play at this game!
lets admit, this is the cutest guy in one piece
lets admit, this is the cutest guy in one piece
! http://31.media.tumblr.com/c93e31b17e6e2906ea797214bbb92063/tumblr_miiqng3ENJ1rm2omto1_500.jpg
I disagree, here's the real deal:
I disagree, here's the real deal:
! http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130206014744/onepiece/images/6/6f/Caesar_Blush.png
but thats.. only 1 scene :s
but thats.. only 1 scene :s
He is cute all over the Dressrosa Arc. :I
:ninja: -
i think they are cute
i think they are cute
! http://eatdrinkplay.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/rat-0.jpg
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/42/Gyps_fulvus_-01.jpg/640px-Gyps_fulvus-_01.jpgAh, they are very cute! How about these?
Ah, they are very cute! How about these?
! [qimg]http://eavice.files.wordpress.com/2012/02/sugar-glider.gif[/qimg]
! [qimg]http://images4.fanpop.com/image/photos/19000000/Baby-Turtle-33-duncan-superfan-3-3-3-19031424-500-375.jpg[/qimg]
! [qimg]http://i.imgur.com/nWWUY.jpg[/qimg]aww yes they are~im crazy fan of animals, i find every one of them cute, beautiful and interesting.I love baby animals. And i also love the fights of adults. I even like the ones who are very dangerous~
aww yes they are~im crazy fan of animals, i find every one of them cute, beautiful and interesting.I love baby animals. And i also love the fights of adults. I even like the ones who are very dangerous~
Hey, I love animals too! Especially alpacas, sheep, goats, moths, and caterpillars. Do you like insects as well? They can be scary, but also beautiful. :) If you're interested, here's a couple cuties:
It's really tempting to use this thread to post photos of the cat who comes by our flat all the time, but I will be strong and rise abo
ve it…oooops.
It's really tempting to use this thread to post photos of the cat who comes by our flat all the time, but I will be strong and rise abo
! https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/1376623_914667813220_1751460062_n.jpg
ve it…oooops.
Oh my, what an adorable cat, thanks for sharing with us! Looks like a fuzzy little storm cloud. :3
Here's an old pic of my sister's cat, Noodles:
Oh my, what an adorable cat, thanks for sharing with us! Looks like a fuzzy little storm cloud. :3
Here's an old pic of my sister's cat, Noodles:
Visit is such a gentle fluffball. Loves to curl up on top of bags or my feet and purr gently. He's helped me when I've been feeling sick before even though he's not technically our cat (he lives downstairs).
Awww Noodles. How old are they?
Well, she's about two or three now, but she ran away a month ago…
Well, she's about two or three now, but she ran away a month ago…
Oh no, I'm really sorry to hear that :(
Beat this.
Here's a link to more of that little guy. http://designtaxi.com/news/361550/Adorable-Photographs-Of-A-Tiny-Baby-Squirrel-Resting-In-Odd-Places/
Oh, it's fine. She probably found herself a better home anyway. At least that's what I'd like to believe. She's a tough one. :)
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Heh, this is the pic my sister ended up using for the "missing" flyers:
She's very photogenic.
Awww…those eyes!
16 chars of d'awww! :3
This is now The Cat Thread.
not only cats
you can't deny cuteness of baby birds of pray -
Baby animals with their mothers!:wub:
And a random picture of cute food
I didn't mean to imply cat cuteness exclusivity! That would be foolish of me. Especially given hedgehogs.
I didn't mean to imply cat cuteness exclusivity! That would be foolish of me. Especially given hedgehogs.
! http://www.tehcute.com/pics/201112/mama-and-baby-hedgehog-big.jpg
So cute!
Gee, thanks for contributing to this thread, you guys. I really appreciate it!
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Ah, Catbug!
How about this gif? :3
baby owl
baby owl with a friend!
eyases with a parent!
oh i like this thread already
! https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/1376623_914667813220_1751460062_n.jpg
i love British cats
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Said British shorthair is currently sleeping happiy in a bag by my feet, having looked afronted that I left him on the sofa ten minutes ago to go back on the computer. You'd almost find it hard to believe that he doesn't actually live in this flat given how attached he is to us!
Said British shorthair is currently sleeping happiy in a bag by my feet, having looked afronted that I left him on the sofa ten minutes ago to go back on the computer. You'd almost find it hard to believe that he doesn't actually live in this flat given how attached he is to us!
it seems that cat likes you~
or maybe food in your house :ninja:…..
ive been posting here and dunno how i could forget these adorable creatures
! -
it seems that cat likes you~
or maybe food in your house :ninja:We don't feed him, given that he's not out cat so we don't know his dietary needs. He still comes round anyway for half the day sometimes.
We don't feed him, given that he's not out cat so we don't know his dietary needs. He still comes round anyway for half the day sometimes.
then he likes you~ cats feel people's personality it seems
then he likes you~ cats feel people's personality it seems
Cats do seem to like me in general. Friends' cats who are usually quite shy will come and nuzzle my hand or curl up next to me. It's a good thing I love cats, really!
I nominate that this thread be devoted to Print Error.
I nominate that this thread be devoted to Print Error.
That's fine by me; Print Error is awesome!
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ive been posting here and dunno how i could forget these adorable creatures
! http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080329152015/starwars/images/e/ee/Lumat.jpg
! http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080329152408/starwars/images/f/fc/Woklings_btm.jpg
! http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080327182737/starwars/images/4/48/Ewoks.jpgEwoks!
Hehe, I was always fond of the mushroom dancers from Fantasia. So cute!
Hehe, I was always fond of the mushroom dancers from Fantasia. So cute!
http://www.balletto.net/redazione/immagini/2534B.jpgthis was the first time i saw them. small one is adorable