Why is Ichigo going through all this Fullbringer stuff when his father, who also lost his powers, somehow regained them? Couldn't Ichigo just approach his own dad and inquire how to get his Shinigami powers back?
Anyway, the anime diverging and doing its own thing is a good idea. I don't want to see how they'll even try to cover this current arc in the anime if it continues.
yea i've been wondering that since day 1.
how did ichigo's dad and the quincy guy get their powers back?
why does ichigo being a fullbringer necessary for him to get his power back? why can't he get them back like his dad? or is his dad also a fullbringer and got his powers back from these guys too?
if so how come they keep bringing people into their fullbringer fanclub and not giving away their power yet. why do they want to get rid of their powers?
can you not be normal even with those powers? i mean hell lets say i could fly. doesn't mean i have to. i could walk around, run around, act like a norma human being if flying bothered me so much. there has yet to be a side effect mentioned so the question begs "why get rid of something that doesn't affect you"
Hell have you guys seen the family guy episode where they all get powers? They all have great powers except for Meg. Her powers is she can grow and retract her finger nails. Now let me ask you this, would you rather have megs power or no power at all? Personally i would love to have her power over nothing. Is it lame ass? sure, but look i don't need to ever cut my nails again. that is convenient.
now thinking of x-men it woudl suck to have say that girl who touches people and they can die power. but so far their is no side effect that we have seen for fullbringers to warrant this. now an easy one could be that hollows TARGET them and they don't like this, or having to fight hollows. but again, we need to know WHY they want them gone.