Jimmy Doohan, best known for his protrayal of Engineer Montgomery "Scotty" Scott aboard the Starship Enterprise, died earlier today at the age of 85.
He was a good guy, he will be missed.
Jimmy Doohan, best known for his protrayal of Engineer Montgomery "Scotty" Scott aboard the Starship Enterprise, died earlier today at the age of 85.
He was a good guy, he will be missed.
And so another of my childhood heroes is lost.
Godspeed Mr. Doohan.
He was indeed a very good guy. Will miss his smile. Rest in Peace.
Awww. Scotty was beamed up. I'll miss him. :(
Damn. :( I'm really gonna miss him. May he rest in peace. :(
sniff sniff* why do the good dye so young? R.I.P Jimmy
He was a really nice guy, too =( He lived a pretty full life though, at least.
I wish he could have done one last movie like he wanted, he truly loved his role as Scotty. ;_;
Man. I remember when I watched Trekkies, he was part of the commentary and he told the story of a man who he saved from suicide by promising he'd see him at Star Trek conventions. And he said that that, if anything, convinced him that he wouldn'tve given up that role for a lifetime.
Originally posted by psychopenguin123@Jul 21 2005, 10:18 AM
sniff sniff why do the good dye so young? R.I.P Jimmy
wow ,85 is young ..? so what's my grandmom's ..my grandmoms went away at 68 ..she is also a good person ,is that even younger .. he have lived to 85 ,then it's already old .. 80years old,ain't that easy to live to ..
Aw then, very rest in peace. Life is very short