Mini con report With lots of pictures under the cut!
Friday was the first day of Genki 2011. I was there quite early because I worked as a staffer there and spend part of the day making badges. When my friends arrived we changed into our Impel Down costumes. Me as Mr. 3 and Morgan from AP as Mr. 2. Our group was originally gonna be a lot bigger but some people didn’t make it in time so we didn’t get any of the wardens as planned. The group rocked none the less. We had a lot of fun and my light up wig was a big hit.
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-Eating while having a beard glued to your face is not easy.
Saturday was the big day where I and four others had to perform on stage as Ivankov and his trusty okama gang. Since the cosplay show was at one o’ clock we kept hidden so no one would see us in costumes before the show.
We were really nervous how people would react to our show. At least what people unfamiliar with One Piece would think but it turned out we had nothing to fear. The audience LOVED us!
We won the category "Most Genki".
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When the show was over we grabbed our ipod speaker, put on Spice Girls and danced our way around the con area.
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until we met a Horo
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Sunday we walked around as suit-up superheroes. I'm spidey.
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I'll update the thread as I get a hold of more pictures.