So I don't know if this has been talked about before but…..
I decided to be a creeper and went lurking around some Bleach Forums and looked at their past chapter discussions (they were actually analyzing the chapter:blink:) and something caught my eye that I thought was neat.
They had a poll asking people what they thought of the chapter on a number scale.
So I guess my suggestion is this: we could possibly add a poll to each chapter discussion thread asking people to rate the chapter from 1-5 (5 obviously being the best) or some simiar scale. This makes it very easy for people who just want to see what others thought of the chapter without having to read through a ton of posts.
I mean, if anything, this is something we coud try for a few chapters, and if people like it, cool, and if they don't, toss it out. I don't really care either way, I just felt like suggesting something.
Whaddya think?