Title: ''The Crew's Whereabouts - Giant Bird Chicks and a Pink Showdown''
Chapters Covered: Chopper and Sanji's coverstories
New stand-in Characters: Caroline, current queen of Kamabakka.
Animation Director: Atsuko Kawamura
Time: 8:30PM EST
454: "The Crew's Whereabouts - Giant Bird Chicks and a Pink Showdown"
Awesome I would like to see the crew again.
Ah, just a little too late. Anyway, what this episode needs is plenty of scare chords.
It would be very nice if next week's episode was being handled by Tate again. Probably not, but fingers crossed.
This post is deleted!
looking forward to this one, the chances of Tate doing next week is pretty slim. But I hope he does it as well.
Some password thing for the Japanesse dvd log collection. Interesting.
Anyone know where I can watch it streamed?
I mean live stream, sorry.
lol, so the okama ruler used some kind of spell on Sanji.
oh, and they changed the order compared to 419, 2nd half is Chopper's.
Looks like Tate next week after all. Also boobs.
This episode didn't add much to the covers, to be honest…other than revealing how Sanji was 'transformed', Chopper is still on bad terms with both the giant bird and the human groups...so nothing new.
Wish he didn't…
Tate's animation is gorgeous, but his art, I care not for it. Not a single bit. -
Here we go again.
! Outcome prediction: Sanji will have a major beef with the new queen (obviously) and will a) learn techniques from okama kenpo (stronger kicking) and will help Iva take back his/her throne.
That was probably one of the most horrifying episodes in the series.
Here's the preview of 455:
…pardon me while I go poke out my inner eye. And my outer ones too.
The title for Episode 455 is "The Friends' Whereabouts! The Revolutionary Army and the Trap of the Forest of Gluttony!"
There are three camps now:
Camp 1: Now Sanji will learn Newkama Kenpo!
Camp 2: NOOOO SANJI!!!
Camp 3: lol Sanji's turdy.
Next week looks awesome.
lol @ Sanji.
Ivankov's replacement looks like a douche.
The title for Episode 455 is "The Friends' Whereabouts! The Revolutionary Army and the Trap of the Forest of Gluttony!"
Here's the preview of 455:
You can tell just from the preview that Robin's story is going to dominate the episode again
If Robin takes up more than half of the episode again, I'mma explode and take Robin with me. Maybe Tate too, if I'm mad enough.
You can tell just from the preview that Robin's boobs is going to dominate the episode again
Fixed. Seriously, they ballooned again.
Hypersock: Can we be in both camps 1 and 2? :sad:
Fixed. Seriously, they ballooned again.
Hypersock: Can we be in both camps 1 and 2? :sad:
She read about Hancock's bra size in the SBS and realized she needed to step up her game.
! …..... :ermm:
What in the world… The coverstory made Sanji out to not be really an okama, but only forced that way!
...But I did laugh. A lot. I just wonder if this means that Oda told them that was the direction to go.. o_O
Noooooooooo! Sanji !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't be an Okama!!!!!!!!!!!
He is gonna be stuck here for a while until Ivankov comes back.
Chopper is gonna be stuck for a long time.
I think it's clear by this point that Oda hates Sanji.
We should all accept Sanji for who he is. Deep down we always knew he was an Okama. We always knew…:sad:
What in the world… The coverstory made Sanji out to not be really an okama, but only forced that way!
...But I did laugh. A lot. I just wonder if this means that Oda told them that was the direction to go.. o_O
I think yes. It seems totally like him.
Judging from the situation, It is obvious that Sanji and Chopper are gonna be stuck here for for more than one week.
I am not totally sure if Sanji is a 100 percent okama. He seems pissed off a bit at the end. There is still hope… He needs to remain a man in order to know where Luffy was sent. Otherwise it would not be funny.
There is still hope… He needs to remain a man in order to know where Luffy was sent. Otherwise it would not be funny.
Hehe, are you serious? Looking at the "pissed off" sign on his forehead in the end, it's pretty likely that Sanji's upgrade will be breaking off this secret okama technique. Oda will probably make up some shit like he's the first one to revert back. Or maybe Iva will give him a hand, like he helped Croc in the past..
I just found disappointing that Nami and Franky's episode pushed their situations further than this one. I mean, we learnt that Weatheria is slowly moving, Franky actually entered the lab and found something that could potentially help him to go back…but Sanji and Chopper are pretty much stuck.
What in the world… The coverstory made Sanji out to not be really an okama, but only forced that way!
Whoa,whoa,wait! When he became an Okama, you really thought he came out of the closet?! O____O
Hehe, are you serious? Looking at the "pissed off" sign on his forehead in the end, it's pretty likely that Sanji's upgrade will be breaking off this secret okama technique. Oda will probably make up some shit like he's the first one to revert back.
I just found disappointing that Nami and Franky's episode pushed their situations further than this one. I mean, we learnt that Weatheria is slowly moving, Franky actually entered the lab and found something that could potentially help him to go back…but Sanji and Chopper are pretty much stuck.
The way he was talking at the end was somewhat suspicious. Yeah he is gonna practice Okama kenpo. I think Ivankov will come back and tell Sanji where Luffy is. He is gonna revert back to himslelf.
The straw hats will reunite (they are the main characters) at Shabondy. They will go to AL to cheer and reunite with Luffy.
Decent episode, I liked Sanji's part. Chopper's part was okay.
I can't wait till next week.
sanji is a fag enough said
HAHAA Sanji makes an Enel face when the okamas kick the rock XD
I do not know If I should hate that fact or not.
They just keep teasing us by showing the Schibukais and the admirals each episode. My head is gonna explode beacuse I want to see the war badly as well.
I think it's clear by this point that Oda hates Sanji.
Cept Oda is giving him YET another upgrade AND he's been consitently the third strongest in the StrawHat crew meing.
Honestly whatever the Okama Stand-In did to him won't be long term.
And if it is…
Only lulz will ensue :V
Just watched the no sub version. It's really a great episode. Though Sanji's part is likely more informationable, I like Chopper's part better.
And it takes only 24 seconds to review the past episodes!!
I expect him to revert right back to form once he finds out where Luffy went though. Stupid fake queen, brain-washing Sanji like that…
The first half of the episode was painful to watch… Sanji... I feel so sorry for him... T-T
first part of sanji episode is actually very funny. but when the kamabaka queen started brainwashing sanji it really creep me out. scariest episode of one piece so far.
It does make me wonder how the hell Chopper is going to get off that island. I mean, I'm pretty sure that those birds don't suddenly grow up within a week :/
Oh Sanji…
I'm hoping that this becomes his new bounty poster. -
how much of these fillers is Oda a part of?
how much of these fillers is Oda a part of?
oda just provided 2 images i think.
http://www.onemanga.com/One_Piece/544/01/but from the cover of second image. when i saw that showing of vein on sanji's arm it looked to me if he was forced to do it (as in its usually shown in anger). but anime made him doing it happily
Lol at Sanji getting a taste of his own (peeping) medicine ^___^
when i saw that showing of vein on sanji's arm it looked to me if he was forced to do it (as in its usually shown in anger). but anime made him doing it happily
^the anime shows the vein on his forehead.
^the anime shows the vein on his forehead.
It also shows it on his arm.
But the rest of the episode points otherwise… Like he's actually enjoying it. o_O
It would be great if he gets off the boat at sarboady dressed like that and Zoro is already there.