Prelim #14
She loves the Vearth.
! The revealing outfit.
No where as revealing as Wiper's, but by OP's standards… that's alot of clothes.
The only time I found her interesting was the scene where she was doing Aisa's hair. I have a soft spot for sisterly things.
Besides that, I was bored every time she had a scene.
Hatchan, Stronger, Magellan and Petra Pan.
Stonger is cool and Bellamy sucks, sorry.
Bellamy wasn't the epitome of piracy, he was the epitome of fail, fake thugging.
"Like we say here: petit frère a deserté les terrain de jeux"Hatchan, Stronger, Magellan and Petra Pan.
Stonger is cool and Bellamy sucks, sorry.
Thats what I am talking about.
@GaaraofTheDesert:I guess Apforums isnt mature enough to recognise Bellamy's value to the story.
Bellamy was the epitome of piracy. He acted like a real fuckin pirate. BB is the epitome of fiction piracy…and Bellamy is the epitome of real piracy whether you like it or not.
Oooh… the title is breaking the rules!
Oooh… the title is breaking the rules!
Good point. And hereby, the AP mod wars have begun..
Damn, Petra Pan because he's awesome!
I'm so confused here. Pan is a dude?
No, Pan's an it.
Petra sounds female to me so the mods probably leaned towards him/her being a girl. :ninja:
Dunno what s/he is but from the moment I saw him/her, I thought that her/his design was the cutest. :ninja:;; -
I was was always leaning girl, but now… Even looking at her/him now... I could see it being anything now. Thanks alot :blink:
Thats what I am talking about.
Bellamy was the epitome of piracy. He acted like a real fuckin pirate. BB is the epitome of fiction piracy…and Bellamy is the epitome of real piracy whether you like it or not.
But Bellamy still got owned by Luffy:sad:, real pirate or not it doesn't matter here, if Bellamy was more interesting i would totally vote for him but oh well
I was was always leaning girl, but now… Even looking at her/him now... I could see it being anything now. Thanks alot :blink:
After Trap-chan I stopped being 100% sure of a character's gender…:ninja:
Who's Trap-Chan?
My sentiments exactly.
Did she mean Crab-chan? -
Who's Trap-Chan?
Wait, that's not confirmed to be a girl either?!?!
There's a clear shot of his chest somewhere and it's…well...flat. Flat-flat. Boyish flat.
Didn't realize they named him "Trap-chan", or is that your special naming Chrissie?
These people that go around confusing people with their gender really annoys me…
Didn't realize they named him "Trap-chan", or is that your special naming Chrissie?
Nah~ I didn't name him like that. I know some people called him Trap-chan on the forum but I am pretty sure he was named "Kimono Tranny" in the tourny.
"Trap-chan" is a better nickname than "Kimono Tranny".
But the best will always be "Nipple Hamer". Even if I liked better "pocket face". How can you in a bus in a latin american country who are notorious for always having salsa, merengue, reggaeton and bayenato, hear "Poker face" the week that this commander showed his powers?
Not familiar with japanese, but the word they keep using for whitebeard's "sons", can it be both gender or is it strictly male? Because a case can be made that wb only ever wanted to recruit sons. If not there should have been several (clear) females amongst the 14.@Ms.:
These people that go around confusing people with their gender really annoys me…
Stronger has more votes than Bellamy?! WTF?! O.o
Yeah, and that's a good thing.
These people that go around confusing people with their gender really annoys me…
Yeah me too, make a rule about that!!.
'Sees avatar, sig, …' 'bows to the queen' Just forget what I said...Thats what I am talking about.
Bellamy was the epitome of piracy. He acted like a real fuckin pirate. BB is the epitome of fiction piracy…and Bellamy is the epitome of real piracy whether you like it or not.
You're soo wrong, Bellamy is just a wannabe, donquichotteballsucker - "hey hey hey donquichote see what I can do, I am cool, I can kill fodder"
He reminds me of those little kids who smoke cigarettes to feel older and in the group! -
These people that go around confusing people with their gender really annoys me…
Sorry, I bringed that up :I
who the fuck is this chump?
A bisexual girl who enjoys posting in the "Post How Your Day Was" thread, Ma'am.
why do they always seem to change the name of the thread..
and they are all harsh on the master of the unidumb
i feel for u maan -
It may be a bit late but why not
who the fuck is this chump?
I'm sorry, I'll tie the leash tighter next time.
A bisexual girl who enjoys posting in the "Post How Your Day Was" thread, Ma'am.
Are you sure?
It may be a bit late but why not got my vote.
You get shit done.
all of you apparently there is a new rule out called no chumps allowed so
king of sarus im sorry you have to leave -
It may be a bit late but why not
[qimg][/qimg]Best campaign of the day
I will leave you guys to decide who are chumps and who aren't.
all of you apparently there is a new rule out called no chumps allowed so
king of sarus im sorry you have to leaveRacist… :ninja:
I will leave you guys to decide who are chumps and who aren't.
Ma'am, yes ma'am.
Me thinks Bad-Beat is a Futurama fan.
Me thinks Bad-Beat is a Futurama fan.
Everybody who isn't a Futurama fan is a chump. Bad-Beat is no chump. Ergo: Bad-Beat is a Futurama fan.
^Good, so now we have a place to start in our inquisition of chumps.
Everybody who's not a Futurama fan raise your hands. You will not be judged based on your answer.:ninja:
Leave the chump-hunting for the moment. There is a topic to be kept to.
Best campaign of the day
I voted for Magellan earlier today, but hadn't I had the intention of voting him in the first place, and had I waited instead of placing my votes so soon, the campaign would've made sure I did. ;D
Some posts almost made me regret not voting for Bellamy, even though the character himself is not a favorite of mine.
My other votes went to Hatchan, Stronger and Laki.
Looks like Petra is maintaining…Petra's lead over Lola. Personally, I'm rooting for Lola.
Now, if Petra was named Tetra, like in Wind Waker, Petra would've gotten my vote last night.
You got that right, chump.
Bender's #10 most used word on a fellow Futurama fan :cwy:
I'm still in regret for not voting for Stronger. I didn't expect the campaigns to sway me.
Freedom… I thought you were cool... :ninja:
Petra pan is a girl right ? why do people keep calling her a he?