First pardon the overly-long anectode but threads with seemingly trivial titles like this deserve long stories behind them.
I've been alive for twenty years and for twenty years I have hated milk. It tasted like a weird mixture of bland and sourness. The thing about living in a European micro-state especially one surrounded entirely by water in the middle of nowhere is that you don't get the whored out commercialism you do in the big countries. No mayo-filled sausages or chilli-filled fish-sticks or whatnot. The same applies to the milk industry so naturally there isn't a lot of diversity when it comes to choosing milk products or any products in general. Importing stuff costs a lot of money after all and there isn't a lot of resources to make stuff either so it's only the bare essential brands that you find, relatively speaking of course.
Not to say that progress does not occur. Imagine my surprise when a marketing executive that I met at a Christmas party of my dad's former boss which he took me to told me that the prevalent milk company of my country was going to totally revamp everything including the carton design being used for decades as well as new flavors. Changes really do happen all at once.
I didn't pay much attention at the time but three months later it happened and my mom bought the usual milk with the brand new carton design and VANILLA milk. My sister apparently liked it and she hates milk as much as me. Must be the genes? I figured what the hell and filled a glass half-way. I took a sip. Then I kept on drinking. Then I half-filled it again and gulped it down. Goddamn thing almost tasted like fucking ice-cream.
Twenty fucking years I have been alive and on the twentieth fucking year I have come to like milk. Okay so it's not natural milk but milk is milk no matter how modified it is.
And that's the point of my thread, milk. What kind of brand of milk do you have at home? What do you think of the taste of milk? Do you hate milk? Are you severely lactose intolerant? What kind of weird and wonderful and potentially horrifying brands of milk has your local supermarket unleashed on your neighborhood? I got Vanilla and there's also apparently new Strawberry and Chocolate flavors too which I'm sure are quite tame compared to the cocoa milk or coffee milk or green tea milk that probably exist. Discuss anything that pertains to the wondrous and magical world of milk products.
Oh and before your jaws drop to the floor in shock, my country has had strawberry and vanilla and chocolate milk before but these new ones were the first produced by the major milk industry of my country and taste great. The previous ones, while okay, were pretty mediocre before even comparison.