Episode 2: The Last Days In Paradise Just Released As the headline mentions, The Gorousei Summit's second episode, The Last Days In Paradise, has just been released.
Feel free to check the episode out at our site, which has it available for download and stream. In this episode we did a double chapter review/discussion of chapters 594 and 595. Those discussing in this summit episode are myself, Don Quichotte De Flamingo, PirateBeck, and Redspear.
More as it comes.
The Gorousei Summit**
Hello AP, howz it goin'?
Many may recognize me….many don't....and many can care less....despite all that I am Sage and I have been a One Piece fanatic for years. I have had the idea for The Gorousei Summit for quite some time now and I am ready to start launching this thing off the ground.
What is The Gorousei Summit?
The G-Summit is going to be a weekly voice and/or video discussion of the latest One Piece Manga and Anime releases….further expanding to Naruto, Bleach, Hunter x Hunter and more as the show continues to grow.
Wait…isn't this what One Piece Podcast is doing?
Yes…and no. This show is going to be based on Manga and Anime reviews/predictions/opinions.... we will leave all the extra stuff to OPP. Aside from that, this show is going to be more community based as I want to have the community actively participate in the show. Listeners will have more freedom to speak and voice there own opinions with us. I feel there needs to be a variety for this type of thing and that's exactly what I am doing.
So your saying that just anyone can participate in the show?
Kinda. There will be, of course, a screening process for those who are interested. We aren't going to let just any kid come up on the show and flame/bash and spread there stench of FAIL…I ain't having that. This process will enforce the no flaming rule that we are going to staunchly establish on the show.
Tell me more. Like mentioned earlier, this is going to be a weekly show following the release of the manga chapters. I also want to establish a spoiler show down the line…but that's.....down the line..... This show would further allow the One Piece (as well as other Manga/Anime Communities) to come together and talk about what they love. Many would think that all it would end up to be is kids arguing and cursing at each other about why x series is better than x series...no....im a grown ass man and ill be damned to allow such immaturity to stain my vision.
I will warn that listener discretion will be advised.
This isn't going to be a candy and rainbow show. I am only interested in real people for a real discussion.
The development of the show is well underway and a pilot episode will be started very very soon.
So…Mr. Grown Ass Man....are you the only staff member?
Heh…no. Currently these are the members who are interested in participating/becoming perma staff on the show:
Wintergt Don Quichotte De Flamingo
Redspear If anyone is interested in participating or would like to interview for a staff position please feel free to PM me or contact me on Skype: Sagemaster2000
Any questions, comments, or concerns? Feel free to post here and ill get to them as soon as possible.
Thanks for taking the time and checking us out and I hope to hear from some of you in the future.
Episodes are releasing, be sure to check them out.