For being made in 1990, wasn't this a badass game? I played it as a youngling and played it to DEATH! I remember that it was hard as hell and got all nostalgic so I went looking for a emu version and found it. It severely sucks that I CANNOT play games on a keyboard AT ALL but it's just as badass as I remember. What a good old game!!!
I remember playing Ghostbuster for NES…..not as good as the genesis one.. ^_^"
I remember the old one for the computer, it was crappy by today's standards but like crack back then. Know a good one? Ghostbuster 2 for computer was AWESOME! You got to pilot the Statue of Liberty and stuff, that was great!
Aghh that sounds awesome XD I dot know why most people didnt like Ghostbusters 2. I mean it wasn't as good as 1 but its still very good in my opinion.
Piloting the Statue of Liberty was my favourite part of the game. -
The most annoying aspect of Ghostbusters was that you never got a decent weapon until the end of the game. Those lously only houses giving me $10…