Additionally, Nona the Ninth has a strong ending that sets up a lot of questions but really takes its time getting there. A lot of the book felt like we were frustratingly locked into a perspective where not only would other characters know more than the audience but the protagonist herself would avoid acknowledging things to us. It's not bad, but it's easily my least favorite Locked Tomb book so far.
What are you reading? (Literature)
@Jabberwok Ooh, I just had a few coworkers telling me the other day about how great the Locked Tomb series is! That's probably gonna be my post-Christmas Barnes and Noble purchase this year so I can gush about it with them. We'll definitely have to chat about it as well!
@BellisarioFaith I can't recommend them enough. My avatar is someone's fanart of the main character, Gideon. One of the most impressive feats the author Tamsyn Muir does is make each book function as an excellent locked-box mystery of one kind or another while still also maintaining a strong sense of continuity and cohesive overall worldbuilding, all while drastically switching tones and styles between books. I adore the first book but I think the second one is where Muir really gets to show off the depth of her talent. Also, memes.
Recently finished Fanon's Black Faces, White Masks and jumped in Bevins' The Jakarta Method. Still have to fit the time to finish Gogol's dead souls (some 100 pages left) and Fanon's The Wretched of Earth.
Been reading Splinter of the Mind's Eye, one of, if not the first, Star Wars expanded universe story. The plot isn't bad, but the dialogue is so hokey.
I finished reading the earth remembrance of earth's past trilogy, The 3-Body Problem, The Dark Forest and Death's End, so the science fiction books of Chin Liu, in case some of you don't know him, the series will get an adaptation by Netflix supposedly sometime this year.
First time reading science fiction out of China, I think it was part of the book recommendation of Kojima in his book, creative gene.
The general story of the books is the fight for survival for humankind against a highly intelligent alien civilization who looks for a new home planet, as its current planet has a harsh living environment.
The first book is written well,
The second book
The third bookReally enjoyed the theme of the books and the different main characters were all flawed, their actions were understandable.