are there any events you would recommend that take place at A-kon?
… No, actually. They don't really do anything worth going to, its always screwed up. They are attempting to have cosplay chess this year though, if my friends can run it like they did at Yulecon then that will probably be a good event.
AFest has chess, the dating games (so much win), the semi-formal dance (which is actually a proper dance, not a rave), then there is iron cosplay, anime jeopardy (which i've never tried, IDK if they host that at A-Kon), and a few other things. It also has a lot more fun panels. I've attended a couple of decent panels at A-Kon but they were done away with. Other panels I've attempted to go to in the past 2 years, the people running it never showed up.
The Rocky Horror Picture Show, as well as Hentai and Yaoi Fest (though Yaoi fest always falls on Rocky sobs) are probably the only things worth mentioning at A-Kon, but they all start at midnight, so probably not something you can do on a day trip. Los Bastardos does an excellent Rocky show.
For most of us it's really just a con to hang out with one another, it's also the only place some of us see each other because they won't come to AFest =B