I say hello to all on Arlong Park and special thankyou's to my very much ningen tomodachi Chitose-himura for introducing Arlong Park to my fun squishy brain meats.
Just some things about me that you don't really need to know, but feel free to read anywas.
1. My spelling is horrible there for making my life dependint on the all mighty spell check button.(sarry if I spell anything rong)
2. I have a strange tenancy to forget when things happen. Like just now, I could have written this a week ago.O_o
3. My favorite weapon is a zombato(sp?)(spell check has failed me.T_T)
4. My favorite American cartoon show is Invader Zim.
5. Canadia=Canada
6. I'm half of nearly everything in the world and half Korean.
7. Slurshy=slurpy
8. I get giggly when people say dowdy in a sentient.
9. I don't know my own blood type.(sad, is it not?)
10. I aced most of my classis except for algebra which I failed miserable in.(A,B, then a C)(don't get extra high school credit if I get a "C")
11. My fanfiction username is Shujio.
12. I have never actually posted on fanfiction yet.
13. I'm happy being short.(4ft.10in.)(147cm.)
14. Watching badly translated subtitles and Jhonen has brilliantly gifted me in my grammer.(not really -________-)
15. I have never told a friends secrets that they told me not to tell just like how sometimes The little gnomes across the street like to sneak into my house and shove ideals into my head…. Oh crap.
Disclaimer: The gnomes aren't really my friends nor do they belong to me. They belong to whoever owns them. I can not make profit from these character/gnomes so please don't sue me owner of gnomes.
That's about all the almost useless things I could muster-up from myself.