I got an email earlier today from an admissions officer for a professional program I'm applying for, saying that she's upped the requirements for the program and all applicants who do not already meet the new standards must reach them by June 2010. It's just the latest roadblock in my quest for a career, and given the new requirements what she's asking me to accomplish is impossible for most students, but I've done insane/outrageous things over the past few years so I'm fairly confident I can succeed.
In this topic, I'd like people to give their personal stories about how they were given an impossible scenario and managed to find a way to overcome it, work around it, or defuse the problem. The story can be anything, from you applying to a program like me, talking down a convenience store gunman, or avoid narrowly getting killed by a car by jumping from the seat of your bike over a truck.
I look forward to tales of incredible awesome and badarsery.