Incoming rant:
[hide]Remember the movie, the Incredibles. I do. Fucking fantastic movie. I never really think about how fucking awesome that movie is, from time to time. Anyway, I need to make my point.
When ElastiGirl, Dash, and Violet are all hiding out in a cave of Syndrome's base, Elastigirl tells her children something that really stuck to me. Something that really surprised me from a Disney movie at the time, what with Disney being as PC as possible at that time.
Remember the bad guys on the shows you used to watch on Saturday mornings? Well, these guys aren't like those guys. They won't exercise restraint because you are children. They will kill you if they get the chance. Do not give them that chance.
And she wasn't kidding. The two were almost killed ruthlessly several times. Hell, even Syndrome smiled at the fact that the plane Helen and the kids were in crash EVEN AFTER HE HEARD HELEN SCREAM ABOUT KIDS BEING ON BOARD! Syndrome's a sick mother fucker, and his badies ain't too far.
Now, I'm not saying Incredibles is like Kick Ass. What I'm trying to say is the thought that anyone without morality, say a criminal, would no hold restraint against a child.
And should a child come from a family (or in this case, a father) you promotes self-defense and bringing of justice, she'd have no issue taking down those who are doing wrong.
Let me point out that both Dash and Violet KILLED some of Syndrome's mercenaries, and no one said a damn thing.
Granted, Hitgirl was far more harsh with her attacks, but causing someone's death is still causing someone's death.
If a Disney movie can easily deal with children mentally blocking the death of their enemies, what makes Hitgirl so different?[/hide]