WHAAAOMGTHANKYOU!!! That. Is. AMAZING. Damn, you work fast, too. xD Please, god, let me use this as my avatar/sig/something~! wrings hands
Aw, sand heart….it was meant to be.
I…can't stop staring at his chest. u
WHAAAOMGTHANKYOU!!! That. Is. AMAZING. Damn, you work fast, too. xD Please, god, let me use this as my avatar/sig/something~! wrings hands
Aw, sand heart….it was meant to be.
I…can't stop staring at his chest. u
WHAAAOMGTHANKYOU!!! That. Is. AMAZING. Damn, you work fast, too. xD Please, god, let me use this as my avatar/sig/something~! wrings hands
Aw, sand heart….it was meant to be.
I…can't stop staring at his chest. u
According to her deviant art as long as you're not using it for commercial purposes you can use it O.o
between you, e1n, and Myrllok... best artist is going to be really freaking hard for me to choose!!
That crocodile is just kick ass!
According to her deviant art as long as you're not using it for commercial purposes you can use it O.o
Well, I'd feel weird using it without asking, considering she's a fellow AP member and all. It's such a great pic; Croc's face also reminds me a little of the G-Man from Half-Life. That's pure bad-ass, that is. xD
grah!! first marco hotness, now CROCodile!?!?!?!
seriously, this thread is melting people's soul here, gaah!!!
may i ask what program you use for digital coloring ? looks awesome!!
OMFG that Marco was HOT but that Croc is like… SEXY HOTNESS OMFG ____ you draw such AMAZING things! GOD the shading is just BRILLIANT and so professional looking I could NEVER do that with markers xDD god he looks so freaking dark and EVIL.
I didn't notice the sand was taking any form or shape until someone said it looked like that... and who cares if there's no smoke xD maybe he just put a fresh cigar in his mouth and didn't light it because he was too busy being drop dead sexy. C'mon. xDDD
GOD I LOVE YOUR STUFF ;; I'm depressed right now because I can't make it to Fanime or AX to see your stuff weeps ;__; god I wish I could color and draw 1/10 as awesome as you xD
Well, I'd feel weird using it without asking, considering she's a fellow AP member and all. It's such a great pic; Croc's face also reminds me a little of the G-Man from Half-Life. That's pure bad-ass, that is. xD
Naw I'm totally okay with it! I'm so glad you like it! :D
And hoooly shit you're right. I think it's the eyes and the hair.
grah!! first marco hotness, now CROCodile!?!?!?!
seriously, this thread is melting people's soul here, gaah!!!
may i ask what program you use for digital coloring ? looks awesome!!
Hahahaha, this thread is in dire need of sexy women. Oh well, I think I'll be drawing Hancock and Camie soon…
I use Photoshop CS :3
OMFG that Marco was HOT but that Croc is like… SEXY HOTNESS OMFG ____ you draw such AMAZING things! GOD the shading is just BRILLIANT and so professional looking I could NEVER do that with markers xDD god he looks so freaking dark and EVIL.
I didn't notice the sand was taking any form or shape until someone said it looked like that... and who cares if there's no smoke xD maybe he just put a fresh cigar in his mouth and didn't light it because he was too busy being drop dead sexy. C'mon. xDDD
GOD I LOVE YOUR STUFF ;; I'm depressed right now because I can't make it to Fanime or AX to see your stuff weeps ;__; god I wish I could color and draw 1/10 as awesome as you xD
gurl you so crazy <3
you're a god with markers!! You color so professionally and so well, and it really suits your style. I am envious ;_;
Bawww >.< Well I'll be there 2011 too! I dunno if I'll go to AX…I've never been there before. I'll be living in Colorado next year so I dunno if I'd be able to go to 2 cons in California. Money and all that. But I heard AX is really awesome! Have you been to it before?
Hoooooooly shit you are amazing. That just might be the best Croc fanart I've seen.
Naw I'm totally okay with it! I'm so glad you like it! :D
Thanks! YesIloveitSOmuch, wow. My avvie doesn't do it justice.
maybe he just put a fresh cigar in his mouth and didn't light it because he was too busy being drop dead sexy. C'mon. xDDD
He was also busy making his sand-heart. He only has one free hand, ya know. xD
Again, kickass stuff there. Can't wait to see more.
Holy crap, I've been missing out! Where has this thread been all my life?!
I love your coloring technique. Teach me.
Holy crap, I've been missing out! Where has this thread been all my life?!
I love your coloring technique. Teach me.
quoted for truth! Teach me too D: LOL
Your work still stuns me Cashoo! that crocodile made me believe that men can be sexy.
Ohhh Dervish your avatar looks cool! I'm flattered you decided to use it! <3
Oh and thanks for those who supported me in the AP nominations thing, it means a lot! I never get nominated for anything so it's rather exciting to see that happen… I haven't been paying much attention to it though because it stresses me out. But thank you! :wub:
Holy crap, I've been missing out! Where has this thread been all my life?!
I love your coloring technique. Teach me.
@_@ I am honored, your art is delish.
Actually, a lot of people have asked me to make a coloring tutorial. I'll do one someday….when I'm not lazy. Haha. It's preeeeetty basic though.
And sorry for terrible update, I've been cleaning the house/taking stuff down in my room because I'm moving next month. So I will post pictures of my room before I tore EVERYTHING down. I was proud of my room. Pretty obvious I'm not an OP fan.
The only thing I haven't taken down is my Marine flag. That will be the last thing to go… ;_;
And uhhhh my good friend is entering a comic into a contest, and it would be cool if y'all could like, read it and rate it/vote for it. D: I don't mean to be advertising but he's a good friend of mine with shitloads of ambition and passion and I really admire him. And I enjoy his comic so far, so I hope he goes well in the competition. Signing up takes less than 10 seconds to vote.
Go here for the comic (only 1 chapter) ---> http://zudacomics.com/node/1562
I decided to do a picture for him to support his efforts. It features the main characters.
0-0 I WANT YOUR ROOM. WATCHMEN, ONE PIECE ksh;lasjhflah Marry me?
OMFG your room made me happy in the pants ___ I wanna give you artwork to put up somewhere D: That's a goal in life for me… to have someone put a picture I drew them on their wall xD that would let me know they liked it xDD
brb stealing your room stuff
Anywhooooooo~ awesome pic! I'll have to look into their comic sometime :>
Cashoo, you put my room to shame. ;___________;
/has just one poster of of the Strawhats
EDIT: Not to mention the lygato pic. <3 ;3;
Cashoo, your room owns my room. You have so much OP stuff. (Has only one DVD)
And that's a cool and detailed pic.
0-0 I WANT YOUR ROOM. WATCHMEN, ONE PIECE ksh;lasjhflah Marry me?
Okay! :D
OMFG your room made me happy in the pants ___ I wanna give you artwork to put up somewhere D: That's a goal in life for me… to have someone put a picture I drew them on their wall xD that would let me know they liked it xDD
PFFF I was gonna put those awesome Largo sketches you drew for me on my wall, but since I was going to take everything down so soon I decided not to. BUT IN COLLEGE I WILL <3
Cashoo, you put my room to shame. ;___________;
/has just one poster of of the Strawhats
EDIT: Not to mention the lygato pic. <3 ;3;
Haha I love that Legato poster. I have another Trigun one too, but I'm gonna get rid of that one…
I actually only have a few OP figurines and posters, and the rest I just printed out myself xD
Cashoo, your room owns my room. You have so much OP stuff. (Has only one DVD)
And that's a cool and detailed pic.
Ohh that's cool! I actually don't have any DVDs myself, well except for a bootleg DVD that I bought when I was a noob and didn't understand the concept of such things. They had the HK translations, and I was thoroughly confused when first watching them and being like 'WHY DOES THIS NOT MAKE ANY SENSE?!'
Btw Kaze the reason why I haven't done that Mihawk/Zoro pic is because I'm still trying to think of a composition that doesn't look like shit. xD
Will post more OP arts later…
Ooooooooooooooh the sketches are so sexy ______________
I love Akainu the most, ofcourse <3
But both girls look amazingly hot too!
LOL Alina are you stalking my Photobucket? <3
Oh god your avatar is so scary holy shit ;__; I miss boob Auger, that was cute.
OMFG you have a PHOTOBUCKET?????
xD must find xDDD Also.. FUCK I need to get started on your PICTURE Dx I need to get started on EVERYONES ;; what did you want again? I think I wrote it down D: goes to look I wanna get everyones done by x-mas ;_; bad Misty!
your art should be inspiring me xD
Yessuh do: http://s282.photobucket.com/albums/kk255/pirate-cashoo/Artssss/
I asked for Brook, and you decided that you wanted to do him with Yorki or something? :D Which is awesomeee.
And noooo worries girlie, take your time! It's awfully kind of you to be doing this in the first place! <3
Yessuh do: http://s282.photobucket.com/albums/kk255/pirate-cashoo/Artssss/
I asked for Brook, and you decided that you wanted to do him with Yorki or something? :D Which is awesomeee.
And noooo worries girlie, take your time! It's awfully kind of you to be doing this in the first place! <3
ok I remember now and thanks for refreshing me Dx GOD I fail.
I… LOVE YOUR PHOTOBUCKET ___ it's... so... AMAZING and you draw SO MUCH ;; why can't I draw that much anymore? it's like once a week... I hate it Dx I wanna draw EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!!!! hates her damn depressing job so many amazing doodles GOD I LOVE your Pirate Chashoo mascot zombie *_* she's GORGEOUS
Damn those real life responsibilities! Limiting us from drawing! shakes fist
I'm not in school so I draw like a machine nowadays. @_@ That will change when I go to college though…baw.
Oh god Misty I'm drawing Shiki in a sexy santa outfit and I'm laughing so hard oh godddd
he's winking and sticking his tongue out
Damn those real life responsibilities! Limiting us from drawing! shakes fist
I'm not in school so I draw like a machine nowadays. @_@ That will change when I go to college though…baw.Oh god Misty I'm drawing Shiki in a sexy santa outfit and I'm laughing so hard oh godddd
he's winking and sticking his tongue out
… OMFG I wanna draw someone in a scandalous santa outfit ___ ffff
OMFG that sounds WONDERFUL! Don't forget his cigar!!! xDDD I wanna see ITTTTTTTTTTTTT
DO ITTTT and then there will be lots of sexy mens in sexy santa outfits. What better way to get in the spirit of Christmas. ;D
Oh I'd never forget about his cigar <3 It completes him!
Almost finished with lineart, then color…
OMFG EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I can't WAIT to see how gay it is…!!!! OMFG who should I draw ___ has to be two guys or at least just one... xDD
Reading that while looking at your avatar made me instantly think of Garp and Sengoku. Which would be hot. But I don't think it matters who you draw, no matter what it will be on fireeee <3
Shiki wishes us all a Merry Christmas. NSFW perhaps?
It's 3 am and I should probably go to bed.
The colouring of that is beyound hot ___
And YES, I tottaly stalk your photobucket bwuahahahahaha <3
And boob Auger was cute ;w; But I wanted to have something… creepy XD And I just love gender-bent!Nami and Robin, they are, just, MAD XD I'm still wondering who'd be a top if we'd make them a pairing %D Both are too evil to obey~
Too sexy for a male to resit, I'm ashamed.
Hahahaha, Hiroy~ XD Looks amazing XD
But wouldn't it be better with transparetn bg?
What happened? I woke up to shiki, but the misltoe is totally not by his dick. D:
Shiki wishes us all a Merry Christmas. NSFW perhaps?
! [qimg]http://img138.imageshack.us/img138/1432/sexysantashikismall.png[/qimg]
It's 3 am and I should probably go to bed.
DIES HO SHI- THAT IS AWESOME!! Hahahaha! Amazing, no, SUPERB coloring! And so dang funny! XD Love it!
I JUST DIED. HOLY SHIT. I need to learn to draw anatomy from YOU __ NFFFFF I wish you could make x-mas cards and send that out to people… holy GOD he looks SO HOT xDDD AAAHHHHHH that santa crotch! My sis sent me a text and it was a picture she took ONLY of his crotch DIES OMFG xDDD
I LOVE IT SO MUCH HOLY SHIT... I know anything I draw won't be that hot xD but GOD Do I wanna draw something now xD something HORRIBLE xDD you're coloring is BEYOND amazing _ why can't I color like that...? one day xD his face is my favorite part xD he's all like 'like what you see? thought so!!' LOL
HAHAHAHAHA!!! That is great! I'm loving the sexy pose
Too bad it doesn't have his swords in it, I would've died then <3 XD
PFFFFFFFFFFFF This was made all the better by Hiroy making it his av
ilu hiroy XDDDDD
Shiki wishes us all a Merry Christmas. NSFW perhaps?
! [qimg]http://img138.imageshack.us/img138/1432/sexysantashikismall.png[/qimg]
It's 3 am and I should probably go to bed.
This is epic! Epically awesome!
HNNNG~! ____
Oh god…that's just...I can't....dies I never thought about Shiki as being hot before, but now every time I look at him I'll be wondering if he has his Santa panties on under his robes. xD
I could just snuggle into that hair and die happy (don't tell Croc). Am I the only one who thinks Shiki and Killer have the same hair design? Maybe Shiki's been busy during those 20 years after all...:happy:
Haha thanks you guys. I'm glad you all fell to Shiki's sexy manliness.
LOL Hiroy that's hilarious! If you want I could make it transparent instead of that annoying black background that plagues pngs…
Oh man Misty I totally WISH I could do Xmas cards and sent them out too! Maybe next year...my parents are super paranoid about me handing out my address. It's rather annoying. and LOOOL at your sis sending you the crotch picture. That's awesome. And that was totally the expression I was going for! xD
mokenda: I wanted to include his swords too! But I was too lazy to do his whole body lol….Who says I won't do another one >:3
Dervish: Oh I know right! I think Shiki's hair would make a nice pillow... He probably doesn't wash it though. xD
Oh shit, they do have same hair! inb4 Killer is Shiki's son. I'm the mother. :ninja:
Kaze: YOU HAPPY NOW? And he's levitating the mistletoe himself, obviously.
you just made me imagine the mistletoe tied around his dick…...... UGNLDKFNSLDKFNSLDKN damn it xD
I LOVE IT SO MUCH __ i'm working on my pic but it's no where near that awesome xD it's so blah
But who would the mistletoes be hung for? ;)
Roger perhaps? SHOT
you just made me imagine the mistletoe tied around his dick…...... UGNLDKFNSLDKFNSLDKN damn it xD
I LOVE IT SO MUCH __ i'm working on my pic but it's no where near that awesome xD it's so blah
OH GOD I MUST DRAW THIS FFFFFF oh lawdy that is very hot.
I was originally going to just draw a santa hat on my brook avatar but I could not resist Shiki.
I LOVE YOUR AVVIE CASHOO. It's so sexy. <3
OMFG your avi is totally full of sexy awesome Cashoo __ why won't my picture drip with sexy!? slaps it xD
Haha thanks. I'm rather happy with my avatar too xD
okay guys. I made a joke a while ago about Akainu jizzing lava. Alina and Coral encouraged this idea.
I drew it.
I WARN YOU, EPIC NSFW under the spoiler tags! It's just a link so you can decide to click it or not.
! click
Haha thanks. I'm rather happy with my avatar too xD
okay guys. I made a joke a while ago about Akainu jizzing lava. Alina and Coral encouraged this idea.
I drew it.
I WARN YOU, EPIC NSFW under the spoiler tags! It's just a link so you can decide to click it or not.
NSFW:! click
OMFG…. that is EPIC WIN FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF that totally beats the crap out of the dick I just drew xDD EEEEEEE OMG... so perfect xDDD he looks so lonely.. someone should be jerking him off DAMN IT why can't I draw that >_> must learn
His last partner had internal 3rd degree burns