Like the name says, who are you favorite actors and why do you like em? And if you feel a need to rip on someone you might as well do it here. And might as well toss in directors and the like as well.
My personal top five would go a little something like this.
1. Sly Stallone: Alot of people like to put the man down but im think he's a far better actor than most people ever give him credit for. And while granted he has done a lot of mediocre movies the good ones he's made are near legendary in their genre.
2. Tom Cruise: Mostly for his older work like A few good men, Rain man, Mission:impossble 1. He that charm and the witty banter that just won you over.
3. Robert De Niro: Just watch Taxi driver, then come back and agree with me.
4. Bill Murray: Starred in my all time favorite comedy Groundhog day, and he always brings tons of laughs to any movie he's in with his deligtful quirkyness.
5. Michael J Fox: Another Comedy legend. The pride of Canada and king of the 80s.
And a honorable mention goes out to David Spade and Chris Farley.
They could have been legendary if Farley didnt have to go and die.