Originally posted by Konis+Jul 6 2005, 01:39 PM–>QUOTE(Konis @ Jul 6 2005, 01:39 PM) _> Originally posted by Shinagamithe3rd@Jul 6 2005, 12:03 PM
**Yeah, Bush sux. He has out Prime Minister in his back pocket so he's basically out President too. When out PM and Bush got relected with a month of each other us Aussie were having kittens. We all knew what it meant. Man he is ruining your economy and everything else. Mega prick.
Damn straight. I know a lot of people from countries around the world think ALL americans support Bush, and the fact is that only the stupid ones (all of the patriotic hicks) like him. I guarntee at the voting booths on election day conversations were along the line of "Hell yeah, Jimmy Joe Jack John!! We're a gettin' Bush back in that there awfice. He'll show them gawddamn arabs and any one else not to messs with america! YEE-HAW!" The man dosen't have an ounce of kindness when it comes to other countries, and thinks if he just controls them they'll respect him. Don't anyone dare say that he dosen't either because a perfect example is that shit in the middle east. He should have allready pulled out of Iraq, but No, he NEEDS to make a point. And bacically, his idea of making a pointis taking their oil by force. Fuckin' asshole.
Okay, now, watch that attitude. There are people on this forum who likely do support Bush.. and while I'm not among them, I disagree heavily with you slandering and putting a blanket judgement over people like that. You don't like Bush, that's fine. A lot of people don't like Bush. But, by the same token, a lot of people do. Take your ignorant generalizations elsewhere please.
If you can't talk politics intelligently and with some sort of dignity, don't bring it here at all. That attitude makes the rest of us look as bad as the "hicks" you're decrying do.
Not all Americans support Bush. That's all that really needed to be said.
No more bashing people for their political beliefs. Period. You want to do that, take it to another forum entirely.
That being said, I missed Live8 entirely… I watched a couple performances through the net, such as Paul McCartny and Pet Shop Boys, who were excellent in my opinion. I think it's great that they participated, and they looked wonderful.
I'll wait for it to come out on DVD, and purchase it when it does. I'm assuming profits made from the dvds will go towards helping Africa.
I apologize for the hasty judgement I made, i'm man enough to know when I was wrong. I'm not trying to be an asshole or anything like that, i'm basically saying, under all the flaming I put on the Bush supporters that the people are too blind to see that the previous four years that Bush was in office he has really screwed america over good and that his country didn't need another 4 years of him. I agree that my genaralization was ignorant and i'm apolgizing for it._