I got a set from 351-400 but, 371 and onwards is by some bad subbing group with hard to look at subs and it isn't in HQ. So can anyone point me towards the best subber for these episodes and onwards cause, I can't find downloads anywhere.
Around episode 371 and having a tough time finding fansubs
get nakama-fansubs release
http://onepiecespot.com has good quality subs from 371 - 400.
http://mediafrenzy.co.nr/ has From Enies Lobby arc In HD and many more things :D
Thanks I have been using Nakama now I just have to decide what to use from their on.
Use yibis after nakama
hey I click the DL link on the site and it keeps giving weird popups and messing with my browser what is up with that? Where else can I get yibis subs?
try their irc channel, they have an xdcc bot I think.
I haven't even tried to learn how to use IRC…I guess I should stop procrastinating...