Our first website comment on June 1st, 2009:
A very good podcast I am from Romania and I am a great fan of this series,I would like to hear you’re opinion about the one piece movies and about the recently trailers of movie 10 all in all this is a premiere and I congratulate you as a anime and one piece fan
Firecrouch's first comment on June 1st, 2009:
I wouldn’t necessarily say this leak didn’t affect fans in foreign lands. Like “FMA:B”, there may have been plans to stream “One PIece” in Europe later on, and if that’s the case then this just delayed the chance of that happening.
Also I’m glad this podcast finally happened. I’ve been listening to Daizex’s podcasts for a while and thought there should be something similar for “ONe PIece”. I hope in the future this podcast grows into similar to Daizex in depth and scale. If you don’t make your own message boards you can collaborate with ArlongPark on that. In fact I think in the future you should collaborate with the Daizex people to do a special podcast episode(s) with them, since “Dragonball” and “One PIece” have and still continue to cross-over into each other in different ways.
A comment from Mr. Right on June 3rd, 2009:
I’m liking the idea, but guys you need to step it up in the entertainment department. The fans need to WANT to listen to this, not just put it on cause their bored. The main guy is extremely monotone. Where’s the excitement? Where’s the sound effects? I don’t see anything unique about this podcast, it’s just your typical anime chit-chat. I think “this” and “that”, Last chapter was about “this”, I hope this happens. Majority of the One Piece fans will check the forums before they’re going to listen to your podcast, you guys need something unique. Humor would be the ideal suggestion, but not lame anime jokes. Ugh.
Doctor on June 5th, 2009:
Hey there. Ended up stumbling on your show while I was working on mine. You guys have a really good dynamic and its great to finally hear a One Piece related podcast. This Piece Together segment sounds interesting. I would like to see how I can contribute. If anything I would like to use your promo on my show.