Really vivid dream last night.
So in the dream I live in some small village and not where I actually live irl, but I do visit the place I live irl, both the general area and the actual house and I seem to know it in the dream.
So near the village where I live there's a massive crater. I go by myself a few times but later start bringing other people. The first few times I go I don't think I see anything weird. So to get where I go you have to climb down the crater to the bottom. There are two obstacles after that. At the bottom of the crater there's a very small hole at the ground level of one of the walls. It's about half full with water. You have to crawl through that. I imagine this transports you to wherever the other area is. In the next room is another giant cavers similar to the crater but there's no way it could exist in the initial universe without someone seeing it as you can see the sky. It also goes down really deep. In this room there's two what look like seesaws but they don't go up and down they're just basically like this / . One is a lot thinner than the other. You have to jump across this. I don't know what exactly you do on the other side but you get to yet another giant cavern, at floor level, and again you can see the sky from here. It's square though, with lots of pillars. I don't think I go any further by myself so I go back.
Later I bring someone else, he's kind of a young kid. When he's going through the first obstacle, the small hole filled with water, he swallows quite a lot of the water and I have the do the Heimlich maneuver on him. On the second obstacle he almost falls and I have to pull him back up. When we get to the square room we hear people there. There are doors on every side of the room and I think this is the first time I see other people there. They're having some sort of party it seems like, but I don't think they really notice us, so we go back.
A little bit after that I bring two more people, so there's three of us total, and they're completely different people, the kid isn't with us. We go through the obstacles and get to the square room where there's again people having some sort of party. We walk through the rooms and through the crowds of people, but I guess they notice us this time and basically chase after us. We can't go back the way we came so we just run around until we can find an exit. When we do find an exit it opens up into some massive medieval town. There tons of peasants walking around the streets as well as soldiers dressed in period clothing. Doesn't seem like we're being chased by the partiers anymore so we walk around this town. At some point we're captured by the soldiers, but we manage to escape and are split up. So I manage to get out of the town somehow and when I go through the exit door I come out on a street near where I live irl and come out of a Fazolis, which is like an Italian fast food-ish place. I don't go through the restaurant when I come out but when I look back it looks normal. So I walk around a bit and I see the two people I went with at some credit union or something paying the guy there. I can't remember what for but it's related I think.
I go alone back to that party place again and again I'm chased. I don't end up in the medieval town though. I go through one door and end up in the house that I live in irl, but I don't live there in the dream. I guess I lose them so I go into the garage, where there's a person, but I manage to sneak past him and open the garage door and leave.
Pretty weird dream.