You know how dragon ball z had 2 dragon boxes. You think One Piece will be popular enough too have one also?
Do you think when One Piece(anime) is finished it will have a dbox format release?
Though I doubt it'd be as neccesary as the DBOX, since there's not much damaged film material to speak of.
Yeah, i can see a One Piece Box happening. It's popular enough in Japan, so it wouldn't hurt.
I'd be a happy man, if it happened.
Seaking box? If I have a bunch of extra money when this happens then I might get them.
When One Piece ends it will almost certainly be released in a complete collection on an X-Gig flash card or whatever format we end up using by then.
I'll buy it for my mind projection device.
They will milk the franchise for as long as they possibly can, so yes, I think they will release something like this.