350 voice actors and actresses sued the production company for not paying the fee for the use of their voices for the second time upon the release of TV Anime series' video-nization. Voice acting group asked for about 87,000,000 yen (roughly 870,000 US dollars) in law suits and Supreme Court supported the dicision of first and second trial and rejected the production company's appeal.
It was Nozawa Masako-san (voiced Son Gokuu in Dragon Ball) and others who were sueing.
According to the first and second trial, it was written in the appendix of memorandom between voice acting group and voicing companies about additional performance fee upon the video-nization of Anime series after 1986; however, production company declined to pay it saying "we didn't agree on it."
At the second trial, court confirmed that the production company "Nihon Animation" located at Tokyo and its subsidary had an agreement between voice actors/actress group, and judged that they have a duty to pay.
アニメ声優側の勝訴確定 「声の使用料」めぐる訴訟
Well, congraturation to them.