In case anybody diesn't kow, catalan is a language very similar to spanish, with a few different word spellings. It is played on K3 tv and aired completely uncut. K3 is currently airing a new season of OP and is currently at episode 324 (325 and 326 will air this monday, which means the very first dub of Jungle P will be played). This new season will end at episode 340. All the opening and endings are dubbed and you can find them all on youtube including most of the dubbed episodes. Since nobody has ever mentioned this dub, I thought that I should.
One Piece catala dub
why simply don't speak spanish? why use the catalan language?
just spanish, without catalan
The Catalan dub of opening 8 is here!
why simply don't speak spanish? why use the catalan language?
just spanish, without catalan
I may not be spainish but I have slightly more respect for the speakers of catalan, not only because i've spent more time in those areas of Spain but because they dub even more anime titles than regular Spain (I believe the main dub of Spain only aired up to episode 195 while this just aired 326) and Kinnikuman was published in that language, making it the only other place apart from Japan its available in.
Also, for those who like the dubbed catalan songs, i've used this place as a source for mp3s: