Odz vs. Hiluluk
Vote for the quack doctor! -
hiluluk. no contest.
Lol, it's already 8 to one .
Hiluluk better trash this, he is the best flashback character hands down
Much as I love Odz, Chopper's backstory remains the most brilliant and heart-breaking one to date with their bond at the center. Not to mention, it was the closest I ever came to crying in OP. (sniffle)
Gotta vote for the quack because Kureha lost already and I want one of Chopper's great mentors to make it past this round. He gave one of the most amazing, touching speeches in the whole series too.
Go Dr. Hiruluk!!! (Odz too! Why doesn't he have votes yet?)
Oz just looks fucking awesome. Blown away when he first showed up. Definately unlike anything we'd seen in the series thus far. Gotta go with that.
Oz just looks fucking awesome. Blown away when he first showed up. Definately unlike anything we'd seen in the series thus far. Gotta go with that.
Luckily, we'll always have Shmeckie here to vote style over substance… Well, at least somebody's voting for Odz.
i read that as "oda" and almost voted for him. damn.
Nice job on being different Schmeckie thumbs up
ugh still not sure who to vote for Dx;
Nice to see Hiruluk is getting the snooty vote. ;)
Hillurk was an awesome old man.
That is all the reason I need.
I vote for one of the only two people who made me cry in this series.
Fucking ending to the arc killed me.
Dr. Hiluluk!!!
Can't wait for that arc to happen in FuniDub.
but…but...odz is a giant monster zombie.
Yes, but Hululuk is a good character . VOTE FOR DR. HILULUK!
Personally, Hiruluk always felt more plot device-y than most flashback characters. At least, to me. Never really left much of an impression on me (which is odd, since I absolutely adored Chopper's backstory).
I really liked Chopper's backstory, but Odz is a giant monster zombie. Odz gmv.
I could post the awesome of Hiriluk by posting the entirety of chapters 142-145 page by page, what with Drum being my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE ARC IN THE ENTIRE SERIES, but I don't think I need to. I will drop this off though. (After the man eats a poison mushoom that he knows will kill him to spare Chopper's feelings, begs Kureha to raise him, and then races off to save the lives of other doctors in what he believes is a crisis mind you. Oh, and spending a lifetime to make cherryblossoms bloom in a snow country just to uplift people's spirits. And also taking care of Chopper. and… erm, anyway.)
"WHEN do you think a man dies?
When his heart is pierced by a bullet from a pistol?
When he succumbs to an incurable disease?
When he drinks soup made with a poisonous mushroom? NO!!!He dies …when others have forgotten him!! Even though I will soon be gone, my dream will come true. The ailing hearts of the people will be cured!
As long as something is there... to be "passed on"...
A monster will be here soon. He is my son. Do not harm him. {Don't worry, Chopper. Your mushroom... won't kill me.} I'll be damned!! IT WAS ONE HELL OF A LIFE!!!"And then he blows himself up!
One of the absolute best characters in all of One Piece, hands down. -
Hiluluk gave the best speech ever. And he fucking blew himself up.
That should be posted on every fucking page of this thread.
One of the top 10 scenes in One Piece for me.
I'll just leave this here….
Because I still think this is the greatest fight in all of One Piece… Just sayin...
Edit: Goddamn, why'd you have to post that scene right above? Odz can't compete with THAT! Oh god, it gets me everytime...
What the hell are you doing Shinpanman?! Don't you want people to vote for Hiluluk? That'll make them vote for Odz (or maybe not since he got hi ass kicked) ! That video is awesome, though. I don't really watch the anime and it's nice to see these things animated.
Man…Hiluluk was a great character. But Odz is great, too. Plus there's the amazing combo attack AND the debut of Tactics 15! Decisions >.<
What the hell are you doing Shinpanman?! Don't you want people to vote for Hiluluk? That'll make them vote for Odz (or maybe not since he got hi ass kicked) ! That video is awesome, though. I don't really watch the anime and it's nice to see these things animated.
I know! But I love Odz and I don't want to see him get completely owned. Dr. Hiruluk really deserves to win it of course though…
Oz was funny…..
Hiruluk was EPIC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
I could post the awesome of Hiriluk by posting the entirety of chapters 142-145 page by page, what with Drum being my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE ARC IN THE ENTIRE SERIES, but I don't think I need to. I will drop this off though. (After the man eats a poison mushoom that he knows will kill him to spare Chopper's feelings, begs Kureha to raise him, and then races off to save the lives of other doctors in what he believes is a crisis mind you. Oh, and spending a lifetime to make cherryblossoms bloom in a snow country just to uplift people's spirits. And also taking care of Chopper. and… erm, anyway.)
"WHEN do you think a man dies?
When his heart is pierced by a bullet from a pistol?
When he succumbs to an incurable disease?
When he drinks soup made with a poisonous mushroom? NO!!!He dies …when others have forgotten him!! Even though I will soon be gone, my dream will come true. The ailing hearts of the people will be cured!
As long as something is there… to be "passed on"...
A monster will be here soon. He is my son. Do not harm him. {Don't worry, Chopper. Your mushroom… won't kill me.} I'll be damned!! IT WAS ONE HELL OF A LIFE!!!"And then he blows himself up!
One of the absolute best characters in all of One Piece, hands down.[/hide]
voting Hiluluk for the exact same reason Robby's stated above
Hiluluk was totally awesome, but, umm… Thriller Bark ftw, go Odz.:ninja:
The eccentric MD has my vote.
Hiluluk FTW.
He was definitely one of the most awesome characters in the series IMO. -
Sorry Odz but this one goes for Hiluluk. Best speech ever.
Voting Odz cause hes design is epic pwn, atleast in manga black/white, in the anime he looks like a turd
Dr. Hiruluk was one of the best characters in this series. And he wasn't even around for more than 10 chapters!
Voting for the doc. Everyone's already given my reasons for this.
I could post the awesome of Hiriluk by posting the entirety of chapters 142-145 page by page, what with Drum being my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE ARC IN THE ENTIRE SERIES, but I don't think I need to. I will drop this off though. (After the man eats a poison mushoom that he knows will kill him to spare Chopper's feelings, begs Kureha to raise him, and then races off to save the lives of other doctors in what he believes is a crisis mind you. Oh, and spending a lifetime to make cherryblossoms bloom in a snow country just to uplift people's spirits. And also taking care of Chopper. and… erm, anyway.)
"WHEN do you think a man dies?
When his heart is pierced by a bullet from a pistol?
When he succumbs to an incurable disease?
When he drinks soup made with a poisonous mushroom? NO!!!He dies …when others have forgotten him!! Even though I will soon be gone, my dream will come true. The ailing hearts of the people will be cured!
As long as something is there... to be "passed on"...
A monster will be here soon. He is my son. Do not harm him. {Don't worry, Chopper. Your mushroom... won't kill me.} I'll be damned!! IT WAS ONE HELL OF A LIFE!!!"And then he blows himself up!
One of the absolute best characters in all of One Piece, hands down.That's why I love him!!
I think his beliefs is the best explanation as to why Oda does not kill people off in One Piece(other than flashbacks)An Author don't kill the characters , readers do.
And a character is only truly killed when he/she has been forgotten.Vote for miracle man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My vote goes to the great Dr. Hiruluk. Chopper's backstory was the only backstory to make me shed manly manly tears.
Vote for the Doctor!
Damn it, I was gonna vote for Odz but seeing Hiriluk's picture, I just couldn't resist voting for him. He was that awesome.
Gotta vote for the doctor.
Wow, what's with the Odz hate? I didn't think I'd be this one sided
edit: I think I missed the Hiruluk episodes when I originally watched through the series.. it's pretty cool I guess I can see why. Odz is still awesome though.
Nah it's obvious the more you know about a character the interesting he becomes.
I've got the weird sensation that I'll alway end up voting flashback characters…
Doctor Hiluluk, of course. He gave us one of the most awesome and most touching speeches ever. The man was an embodiment of epicness. The greatness of his relentless faith in dreams, miracle and in Chopper can't be described in words. Hiluluk won't die! :happy:
I'm voting Hiluluk. He gave Chopper his name and he gave him a home when no one else would. Dr. Hiluluk is a man of honor!
Odz is cool too, but today will not be his day.
Vote for the great doctor!
Hiluluk produced one of the best quote of the series and He's undoubtfully one of the best character of the series too.
Voting for Oz because he deserves at least SOME support. Hiluluk doesn't need my help.
I can't vote against a man that made me cry ;n; Sorry Odz. You are also amazing but…:cwy:
Hiluluk gave the best speech ever. And he fucking blew himself up.
That should be posted on every fucking page of this thread.
One of the top 10 scenes in One Piece for me.
me to
ill vote for him!!! -
Vote Oz to beat Vivi