Considering the thread title, I think this fits:
Statements by Hanashi Yasuhiro (Liberal Democratic Party):
- Anybody in possession of child porn should be arrested, even if it came into their possession via email, physical mail, FAX, or any other methods
- People should already know if an email contains child porn or not before they actually open it
- Otherwise they could just think of all email as child porn
- It doesn’t matter if it’s a film, book, or of a famous actress, any film, book, or photo that features an under 18 person nude should be thrown away at once
- Anybody in possession of Miyazawa Rie’s Santa Fe after the change in law will be arrested if they do not dispose of it [1]
- I’ve never seen Miyazawa Rie’s Santa Fe but it’ll be banned
- The government should be able to check all previously released works across all media and be able to tell us which ones are child porn and which ones aren’t
- If the person looks young and is wearing a school uniform, we’ll interpret it as child porn
- If one of the boys in Johnny’s show a nipple, it’s child porn too
- We can see if something is child porn or not with our own eyes, there’s zero consideration for any artistic merits
- For pictures that have accidentally gotten into a person’s hard drive, we can check the number of times the image has been accessed in order to determine if it was really an accident
- In the case of photos or magazines, it will be determined to not be an accident if they look old and used or have a lot of dirty fingerprints on them
- There will not be any problems with people being falsely charged, I don’t know of any cases in other countries where possession of child porn is illegal
- There is no better evidence than confessions from people
- The police good natured people, so they won’t force confessions and create cases where there is miscarriage of justice
- If we want to discuss the fear of being wrongly accused, it’s possible to even put a gun in somebody’s bag anyway
- The negative influences of manga, anime and games will be researched and we plan to put new restrictions on them 3 years later
- If we accept the changes proposed by the Democratic Party of Japan, we will be unable to arrest people that have gotten child porn material as part of an inheritance
Statements by Maruya Kaori (New Komeito party):
- Child porn is so bad that it makes me cry
- The changes proposed by the Democratic Party of Japan would allow a person to get 100 free pictures at once and it would be legal
- The problem of being wrongly accused should not matter if the person gets 100 pictures at once, even if it was not deliberate
- It’s outrageous that the changes proposed by the Democratic Party of Japan changed the term of “child porn” to something else
Statements by Edano Yukio (The Democratic Party of Japan):
- The proposal by the Liberal Democratic Party(LDP) and Komeito is really vague in how it defines child porn as a child under 18 who is missing a portion of or all of his/her clothes
- The changes proposed by the LDP and Komeito defines criminal intent by “possession for sexual purposes”, which is something that more defines somebody’s feelings, which will create a problem of miscarriage of justice as the evidence will mainly be based on confessions
- In order to prevent miscarriage of justice, the investigations have to be transparent, but the ruling party is refusing any discussions on this
- Even in the Ashikaga case, a false confession was accepted [2]
- Miscarriage of justice is something that actually happens, and it should be the duty of the lawmakers to prevent such cases from happening
- Unlike guns or drugs, child porn is information and it is too easy to get a hold of it (so we should not compare child porn to guns or drugs)
- The LDP and Komeito have not taken any measures at all to prevent any miscarriage of justice
- Even with the changes proposed by the Democratic Party of Japan, it is still possible that works with artistic value will become classified as child porn
Statements by Hosaka Nobuto (Social Democratic Party):
- I don’t think Miyazawa Rie’s Santa Fe was child porn made as the result of sexual abuse to children
- The LDP and Komeito’s proposal lists “possession for sexual purposes” as one of the criteria, who’s going to decide if it was for sexual purposes or otherwise?
- It will be hard to determine the part that defines child porn as “in an appearance which is missing part of or all of his/her clothes”
- If the LDP and Komeito’s proposal is approved, it will not be just the obscene material that will have to be destroyed, but even the ones with artistic merits as well
- Works with artistic value should not be labeled as child porn
- Manga, anime, and other artistic material should be exempted from child porn
—Statements by professionals asked to speak as reference—
Statements by Maeda Masahide (Tokyo Metropolitan University Professor in Criminal Law) :
- It bothers me that if the propositions by the Democratic Party of Japan are accepted, we will be unable to make arrests in the cases where there are photos of children in swimsuits but are not exposing any sexual organs
- Instead of only being concerned with the exposure of sexual organs, we should expand the law so it covers cases where sexual organs are not exposed too
- It is ridiculous to argue that anime and games may be decreasing the amount of sex crimes [3]
- Tightening censorship regulations is the current trend in the world, Japan should do the same too
Statements by Ichiba Yoriko (Attorney)
- The law defining child porn as a child under 18 who is missing a portion of or all of his/her clothes is too vague and will not help in saving any children at all
- The proposition by the LDP and Komeito does not put any consideration for the child’s mental care and other factors to care for during investigation, there is nothing in there that will directly save any children at all
- The censorship of anime and games is completely unrelated to protecting the children, this should be handled under a different law
Statements by Agnes Chan (Japan Unisef ambassador)
- Japanese are taking photos of and selling child prostitution in South East Asia [4]
- 90% of Japanese support to make it illegal for possession of child porn [5]
- Before the child porn law was established in 1999, it was possible to buy child porn in the convenience stores [6]
- There are 1 million victims to child porn already [7]
- Foreign countries are condemning Japan for not making possession of child porn illegal
- There are victims of child porn just behind her
- Miyazawa Rie’s Santa Fe is child porn
- People under the age of 18 do not need to make swimsuit photo gravures, it should not be allowed for people to buy, keep, or view it
- I have been threatened by the people online who are against the changes
Statements by Tajima Yasuhiko (Sophia University Professor who specializes in constitution and information media)
- It is preferable to accept the proposal by the Democratic Party of Japan as it creates clear definitions in place of the vague definitions of child porn in the current law
- Foreign countries have outlawed possession of child porn, but they have created exceptions for stuff that have cultural, scientific or artistic value etc, they have shown consideration for the freedom of expression
- Restricting creative works such as anime and games would be against freedom of expression
Main point of answer by the Director-General of the Criminal Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Justice:
- We don’t have any data on the crime rates of the countries that have outlawed mere possession of child porn
[1] Santa Fe, published in 1991, is the best selling photo collection book to ever have been released in Japan, with over 1.5 million copies sold. The book was released at the peak of Miyasawa’s popularity and featured nude shots. She was 18 by the time the books hit the stores, but at the time of the photo shoot she was only 17 years and 10 months old.
[2] More info about the Ashikaga case
[3] Then again the argument that anime and games may be decreasing sex crimes was really only made as a counter argument because they started saying that anime and games are encouraging sex crimes
[4] The Japanese are in the minority for child sex offenders arrested in 2007 and 2008 according to child wise (PDF)
[5] The survey was done on 3000 people but only 1827 answers were considered valid, out of the 1827, over 1000 of them were over the age of 50. A different survey conducted which leaned more towards males in their 20s had results showing 95% were against the law
[6] The child porn available in convenience stores were nude shots and gravure books, the term child porn generally gives an impression that it’s referring to material depicting children undergoing sexual abuse, so this can be a little misleading
[7] It is not known where she as gotten this number from, but in comparison to her number, the number of victims to child porn in Japan is between 300 to 400 a year