Maybe you should've done it during the WINTER!! When the weather was COLD!! Did you ever think of that? Huh geniuses?…psicle_disaster
Maybe you should've done it during the WINTER!! When the weather was COLD!! Did you ever think of that? Huh geniuses?
Like something straight outta Super Friends.
"What was unsettling was that the fluid just kept coming,"
Hahahaha great quote right there.
Hahaha. That's great.
Ahaha….Wow. Just....Wow. Did they need the world's biggest mop to clean that up? :lol:
You don't really eat popsicles during the winter, though..
That sounds… kinda tasty.
That's just great.
I think it created a ice-pop flavoured tsunami.
free food for them?
i didn't even think this was possible :blink:
That would make a great B movie. "Doomsday: The True Story of The Snapple Pospicle Disaster"
They haven't even started rebuilding from 9/11 and now this. To think I wanted to go to Manhattan yesterday but got lazy and just stayed home. Oh well…
Wow…just....WOW. People amuse me.
Awww, they should have shown another picture of the flood in action. ;)
i read about this the other day. I wish i was there to see the flood.
You know, instead of having a popcicle celebration…
You could had have a fruit-punch party...