I wasn't expecting greatness from this movie, but I gotta say it was pretty good! The fighting was really good and the whole "romance" part of the movie was toned down.
I give this movie a B+!
I wasn't expecting greatness from this movie, but I gotta say it was pretty good! The fighting was really good and the whole "romance" part of the movie was toned down.
I give this movie a B+!
I've watched and in contrary of bad reviews I was hearing prior to watching the movie, I'm satisfied. (Better than expected.)
The movie was what I expected. Some of the humor was very funny to me. The gunshots looked fake as hell. Overall I thought it was good.
I give it a 8/10
fights were a little long but i liked it
yeh! your right. i also didn't focus on the romance cuz im still 12! i can't watch those you know. the action was great. the dance… was greatly acted. and the part when they were on the carnival was nice too... the gunshooting...yep!
I didn't like it very much… i give it around 7/10
I don't know, it just didnt meet my expectation, but then again I'm not the kind of person that's really into action movies -_- I think it could have been better.
I tend to be attracted to anythign with an odd enough premise, and married assassins who have to kill each other definitely applies. For the most part I liked the movie. Good action and I love good witty banter like what the Smiths had. the ending wasn't so great, IMO, but I have no serious complaints.
B+ on my end.
Hmmm…this gets an A- from me.
It was what I expected but the gun shots looked a little too fake for me.
The story was creative; and the atmosphere was so freaking well-made.
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie delivered the goods, I'll give the movie 8/10.
Very good movie. It was entertaining, but that last gunfight was not belivable. All shots went to dead center chest. Come on.
I wasn't expecting much from the film either but it turned out to be better than I expected. B+
I will admit though, that I half expected it to end in one of two ways:
1. One or both of them are killed.
2. Talks of having a baby.
I have one minor thing to point out: The first half was just so excellent.
The second half was nice too, but it was way focused on action. Agree?