Regrettably, due to an increasing number of members registering multiple alternative accounts (You know who you are) to try and tip the balance of various poll(s) in their character's favor, coupled with some other poll related misdemeanors (You also know who you are)
We've decided to restrict voting access for new members to this forum for the duration of the tournament, you'll still retain all the rights and access of a normal member, but without the ability to vote. You can still fully take part and participate in the campaign efforts of your favorite character(s) (<– your campaigning could end up swinging many undecided votes)
We can only apologize to those new members who are affected by this temporary change. But there has been a substantial amount of effort put into the setting up and execution of this tournament on a daily basis from a member to staff level and we can't just sit idle while that substantial effort is constantly undermined.
Cheers - BF.