Yes my friends, Metal Gear Solid 4 is being developed as we speak but I think it safe for everyone to say that Part 1 had the only really badass villains. They seemed to get lamer as the series has went on. I trust every one remember's "Son's of Libertys" morbidly obese, bomb loving, rollerblader. Or "Snake Eater's" Heavily clothed man who controlled bees. Don't get me wrong, those games had some good villains but some sucky ones too. Post your ideas for the bosses you hope you don't have to fight in MGS4.
"Annoying Plot Twist Aardvark"
Annoying villain with an asinine backstory. Excels at sucking. Uses the phrase "Turns out were cousins, Snake!" to drive Snake into a boring, 20 minute inner monolouge then procedes to poke him to death with a shiv made from sheer player apathy.
"Screech Owl"
Can amplify his grating high pitched voice to lethal levels causing the Codec to rupture in Snake's inner ear. You must shoot Screech in his voice box before he can attack with awful one liners like "You're not going to bell saved by the bell on this mission, Solid Snake!"
"Post Modern Snake"
Cloned from the blood that Snake left on the battlefield but with the Y Chromosome removed, this female assasin goes by the name of "Post Modern Snake" (PMS for short). Approach PMS with caution, as she will use your every word and action against you.
"The Lawyer"
Slaps Snake with lawsuits on behalf of the families of slain bosses. In fact, if Snake so much as mildly hurts ANYONE, The Lawyer is hot in his trail with talk of settlements and restitution. Moving the case to another location is Snak'es only hope for defeating this shyster.