Two words:
BAD ASS!!!!!!
Movie took a MAJOR turn near the end that I TOTALLY didn't expect and all reviews I've read have been careful to cover up. VERY neat movie. It made a guy running around in a batsuit seem almost plausible.
Two words:
BAD ASS!!!!!!
Movie took a MAJOR turn near the end that I TOTALLY didn't expect and all reviews I've read have been careful to cover up. VERY neat movie. It made a guy running around in a batsuit seem almost plausible.
I guess I'll go watch it. Batman was my DC comic crush and he's just the best. :wub:
Makes me want to watch those Batman Beyond cartoon, Justice League and old Batman shows. Well, not the really old shows, I already watched them. :P
Yeah, i want to see it too. I'm glad to see that it has a lot of martial arts stuff in it. So who is the villian in it? or do they not have one?
The Scarecrow is the villain but the main story is definitely on Batman.
This movie was KICKASS.
I'm not goin to say anything else about it except I now have a profound likeing for the Batmobile.
Dude the Batmobile EVEN THOUGH is still looks… indeed quite functional. That was a nifty chase but it brings up a good point.
That was very odd. I hope Bruce Wayne wins his name back by donating a loooooooooooooooot of moola.
I remember reading that they took it to E3 for display…
It apparently works like a super-charged tank.
Just got back from Begins. I'm totally exhausted, I was meant to see it right after class today, but a friend coaxed me into seeing a late session, BIG MISTAKE. Anyways, really enjoyed it immensely, definitely a step up from those atrocious Schumacher flicks.
A little flat in areas, but overall very well done & directed, and Christian Bale is by far the best film Batman ever, and Michael Cane is just awesome, 'nuff said.
~falls asleep -_-
Yeah,Christian Bale rocks.
Very good choice putting him as Batman.
Wah! I wanted to go see this last night but got side-tracked. Every review I have seen, even the ones from people with real geek-cred, has been positive if not orgasmic in its praise of this movie. Sooooooo looking forward to slipping out and seeing it. Hopefully tonight.
I don't like the Batmobile being some kind of retarded crap hummer tank thing.
I think I'll pass.
I thought it was badass…except for the fact they made The Scarecrow's face look like Sloth from The Goonies. (Aw hell....that was cool too!)
I don't like the Batmobile being some kind of retarded crap hummer tank thing.
You should see it before you make any assumptions. The thing flies, kicks ass, then takes names of family members and kicks their asses just for looking funny.
And anyone who's seen it knows EXACTLY what I'm talking about.
I guess I'll be the only one in this thread so far who watched Batman Begins and didn't like it.
I will like to say that I'm not a huge fan of Batman, although I do think the original Batman movie in the 80s or whatever was a damn good movie.
On careful reflection, I think one of the reasons I didn't like this movie was it tried a bit too hard to be like Spiderman 2 and show the inner struggles of the super hero to be, but it didn't quite pull it off in terms of plot and character development.
I thought the acting was subpar at times, but I really have nothing bad to say about Bale as Batman. He pulled it off better then I thought he would.
Maybe it was the theatre I was at, but the first thirty minutes it was impossible to hear what was going on. Bruce Wayne is training, and his teacher is yelling proverbs and tips (?) at him, but in the middle of a fight with all the noise going on I found it extremely hard to make out what he was saying.
I also wasn't a huge fan of some of the blur camera techniques they used in some of the fight scenes.
I'll say this for Begins … as an action movie about Batman it's pretty damn good. But I don't see movies to watch things blow up for two hours. I want my 8 bucks to give me something more, and Batman just didn't do it for me. I would reccommend Mr. and Mrs. Smith if you want to see people getting shot and stuff blowing up, because it also throws a pretty good story in there along with good humor and good acting as well.
Edited to add: I still don't know what I feel about this movie. After I posted this I thought about it and started seeing all the good points of the movie as well. I left the theatre a bit tormented on how to answer my friends to the question "what did you think" and I guess I still am.
Originally posted by omae no kaasan v.2@Jun 17 2005, 03:20 AM
You ain't joking omae.
Tee-hee. -_-
My teacher, who hates comics and hates action movies, actually told us before the final to see the movie. Best movie he's seen in ages. Hopefully it's better then the gay fest of Batman and Robin. Gotta see this man!
Maybe it was the theatre I was at, but the first thirty minutes it was impossible to hear what was going on.
I TOTALLY agree. The mixer certainly isn't going to win any awards. I couldn't hear a thing either!
I like this film for a lot of the reasons I like my favorite Japanese films, its careful attention to detail. A horror film like One Missed Call (Chakushin Ari) or Takeshi Kitano's CLASSIC (and my all-time favorite) film Kikujirou (Kikujirou no Natsu) may not have a lot in common on the surface, but at heart they're two of the most tightly woven yarns I've ever seen. One Missed Call produces a FANTASTIC number of at first confusing elements but brings them together in a truly gifted fashion. Meanwhile Kitano's Kikujirou is so detailed that even after 20+ viewings I still catch new details, themes, etc.
Now, to derail for a second, my main problem with the Spiderman films is this, PETER PARKER IS AN ANNOYING BASTARD. I respect the actor but his constant CONSTANT CONSTANT CONSTANT hesitation at ANYTHING remotely kind from MJ is nothing short of laughable. He's a weiner. He still is. I HATED that aspect of the film. The rest was interesting enough. But Batman didn't spend any time on that bullcrap and cut straight to the chase getting the hesitant 'love' crap done with and out of the way in record timing. Respect.
Back to topic, EVERY part of the creation of what becomes Batman here is addressed. Look at the detail that goes into explaining the damn mask! THAT alone made this a great film. So many comic to movie films just kind of say "Yeah what can you do, it's a comic." but this shoves that in their faces and makes me believe that a normal guy (albeit wealthy) can tranform himself into a one-man army of justice. That's why I liked it.
I just saw this movie, and IMO it sucked.
There were many hillarious plotholes, which I will now share with you. ^^
1.) The human body is about 60% water. If you expose a human to microwaves as strong as those in the movie, he or she will explode. However, I saw no one (including batman) doing this.
2.) After the chase scene, after killing every cop in Gotham, Batman is given the comment by Alfred that "Thank god no-one was killed."
3.) Where did scarecrow get a HORSE in GOTHAM?
4.) What the hell was going on for the first half of the movie? O_o
RB note: the Count Chocula we snuck in was better than the movie. :P
(more about half the comments made were by RoboBlue)
i havent seen it yet and being a fan of the comics i want to know is it true to the origional? or true enough i dont expect them to put in every little detail and i do expect changes but where there any major things that where out of place or character. i will wait till after i see the movie to coment on the Batmobile. just wondering because i have heard so many great things about this film and i cant wait to see it
What? You mean it doesn't suck? Wow, that's a big surprise for me. After Batman Returns, Batman Forever, and Batman and Robin, my expectations were pretty low. I think you guys might have convinced me to go see Batman Begins!
Originally posted by EvilGamerX@Jun 16 2005, 09:07 PM
3.) Where did scarecrow get a HORSE in GOTHAM?
I haven't seen the movie yet, but I've seen this comment come up on numerous message boards. Many people have answered, and say that some of the policemen in Gotham are seen riding horses, and in a specific scene, one of them is knocked off their horse. Whether this is true or not, I'll confirm it when I finally see the movie.
Besides, it sounds like an homage to a scene from the comic maxi-series/trade paperback Batman: The Long Halloween, where Scarecrow rides around Gotham on a horse (in a scene where he escapes from Arkham Asylum). I've also read that The Long Halloween was one of the Batman comics cited as an influence on the director and Christian Bale.
Anyway, I can't wait to see the movie. Batman is my all-time favorite comic book hero…and I've heard mostly positive things about the movie (and it is supposed to be very true to the comic book version of Batman…which is important to me).
You know the movie has to have done something right when the majority of Batman comic-book fans (at least the ones I've been talking to on forums) aren't nitpicking it about details and inaccuracies.
Yeah,the first 30 minutes were….wierd to say the least.
1.) The human body is about 60% water. If you expose a human to microwaves as strong as those in the movie, he or she will explode. However, I saw no one (including batman) doing this.
One plot hole for a comic book movie is damn fine.
2.) After the chase scene, after killing every cop in Gotham, Batman is given the comment by Alfred that "Thank god no-one was killed."
Where did it say any cop was killed? Their car flipped over. Big deal. It's a police vehicle. My boss is a cop and he takes great pleasure in describing how he's rolled over.
3.) Where did scarecrow get a HORSE in GOTHAM?
You mean you didn't see the dozen or so cops on horseback riding into The Narrows just like in NYC?
4.) What the hell was going on for the first half of the movie? O_o
The movie exists in two halves. The backstory and the story. Given the amount of info the DIrector crammed in and how well it went, I was impressed.
I just simply didn't like the movie. The highlight of the night was bringing in Count Chocula and nobody noticing this huge box of cereal.
My points were 1 and 3. Anyways, as far as the horse goes. Police had them which is normal. I see that in cities all the times, but I don't see anyone else with a horse. Also his horse looked slightly different. Also the whole point I made in point 1 bugged me for most of the movie. Also things were pretty choppy. The first 5 minutes felt like it was a trailer.
Also his horse looked slightly different.
Might wanna chalk that up to the, you know, CRAZY INSANE HALLUCINATIONS everyone was suffering from ^o^
I honestly didn't mind the rushed beginning and I do agree the pace was crazy. I didn't mind it because it didn't twiddle its thumbs and deal with bullshit. It got right into the story and moved right the hell along.
As for the ray, if we're accepting a tank-like vehicle that can fly from roofs (which was cool but yes sci-fi) then we can imagine some engineering trick.
That was a bit ridiculous too as much as the cop knowing how to drive the damn thing without any practice and knowing how to shoot.
Also, what the fuck was up with the arrowhead? I was waiting for it to have some significance. Also, in the fight scenes. Sometimes it was hard to see what the fuck was going on. You just know that the bad guys were getting their asses handed to them.
As for the Joker using cards, I haven't seen the movie but I'm guesing he used them as thrwoing weapons? I'm pretty sure I've seen him do that before. Hell, he's probably done everything, he's the most batshit (no pun intended) insane villain ever.
Well, now I kind of have an interest in seeing it. I'm a big fan of Batman, and the Scarecrow is one of my alltime favorite Bat-Villains (probably second to the Joker). But I more want to see it as an excuse to go to the movies with a girl for TEH HOOKUP. So if I find a girl willing to go see Batman with me… I'll let you know what I think. Then again, under those circumstances you'll probably never hear what I think.
That was a bit ridiculous too as much as the cop knowing how to drive the damn thing without any practice and knowing how to shoot.
He asked if he could drive shift. :lol: But seriously, watch the progression of the film. A lot of time passes before Gordon actually does move ahead. Plus the entire system was fairly straightforward and automated. I'd assume if you can handle a cop car and actually survive in that city as a clean cop, you're not a dumbass.
Also, what the fuck was up with the arrowhead? I was waiting for it to have some significance.
Dude, this is Batman Begins. The carving Anakin gave Padme in Episode 1 didn't come back till Episode 3. ;)
Dude, episode 1 was not that great. o.o
Dude, episode 1 was not that great. o.o
I don't remember inferring that but acually I really enjoyed it! I'm not among the people who think Episode 3 rocked and 1 and 2 were awful. Like Maddox said, they're all the same thing anyway.
BTW, if you didn't like the movie, that's totally cool. I can totally see why. I like the attention to detail and the almost COMPLETE loss of campiness that the series degenerated into. But there were a ton of technical problems. Like EGX said, the film totally skipped around way too much at the start. I didn't mind it because I loved seeing it but I can completely see how it could turn people off.
AND, of course there was the sound issue. I was very unimpressed.
Plus the score. Where was the Batman theme? If ANYTHING, THAT should have remained!
tears of happiness This makes up for all the crap that the Schumaker films (Batman Forever and Batman and Robin) put us through . . . .
I think this movie ultimately succeeds in not going the campy or cheesy route and making everything believable without being laughable. Even the Scarecrow was played just right so that it didn't seem like a clown wearing a burlap sack. And yes, thank god they didn't go overboard with the romance and the token female love interest.
I agree that the first 30 minutes were kinda "meh", despite the fact that I love Liam Neeson. But like any Batman movie, the real fun is when he puts the suit on. The batmobile? Not as bad as I thought it would be, but I just like to think of it as the prototype. Maybe next movie it'll be sleeker.
I have newfound lurv for Christian Bale.
Why is it in the end of the movie that Batman is given a joker card and is told there is a new villian out wearing make up and causing trouble? Joker was made by batman, when Batman chased him for robbery and caused him to fall into a vat of chemicals. Either the movie simply does not bring this up or a huge time absence has occured. But if the time absence were to occur, it took Jordon a long time to have the bat signal made.
Okay enough of that rant…
The movie had great fighting sences, the only problem was the cinematography did not allow you too see it too well because of similar dressed characters and flashing lights.
Batman, Scarecrow and Ra's Al Ghul were well played. The only one i thought who needed acting lessons was young bruce wayne. How is it that the kid did not seem sad at all when his parents died? Overall, I didnt like the kids acting.
Overall the car scene was too long, and how is it cops did not die? I have no clue and while the beginning was interesting, it went such a high speed pace, it made you have to do double takes on what was going on.
One word review: Meh.
Multi-word review:
The good:
The film was fairly well cast.
After a while, the film actually began to look like a Batman film.
The bad:
This was a Batman film where I couldn't wait for the action scenes to end. Pick a freakin' camera angle and stick with it. It's okay to do it once or twice, but not every single time.
"Bruce, it's not your fault." Well, technically it was.
So Batman was going to pull a Jack Ruby on his parents' killer? BATMAN?
The hallucinations were more hilarious than anything else, especially the Scarecrow's BOOGABOOGABOOGA first appearance.
"I won't kill you, but that doesn't mean I have to save you." Well, technically, yeah, it does.
The (damn) Ugly:
The Batmobile.
After all the time about the last awesome minute of the film, I expected something a bit more… well, awesome than the obligatory sequel setup.
A definite improvement over the last few films, but still not as good as the first Tim Burton film. Nor is it as good as the Animated Series.
"Bruce, it's not your fault." Well, technically it was.
Buuuut Bruce didn't shoot his parents. Only one person did that. It could have been anyone at any time in that back alley. You can't even fault his parents. In this film his father is a total Relena-friggin'-Peacecraft that's for sure but the odds are in an armed robbery (ROBBERY NOT RAPE) if you do as you're told you'll get away safe.
And by the way
The origin of The Joker has never fully been explained in the comics.
In his own words according to Wikipedia:
"I'm not exactly sure what happened. Sometimes I remember it one way, sometimes another… If I'm going to have a past, it might as well be multiple choice!"
Some include the start of his reign from that time, some start with him as a sadistic child who murdered his father. Surely you wouldn't hold it against this film, which has already taken many liberties, to take another gander at The Joker's past.
"I won't kill you, but that doesn't mean I have to save you." Well, technically, yeah, it does.
again draws attention to the fact that the name of the film is Batman Begins not 'Batman I've Been Doing This For Years, Have Found My Path In Life And Have Settled My Goals'
It's an origin film. Every Batman movie to this point has been Batman doing that thing he does. No normal human, especially young adults, suddenly sees every ideal they want to live for before them.
Originally posted by omae no kaasan v.2@Jun 19 2005, 12:12 AM
Buuuut Bruce didn't shoot his parents. Only one person did that. It could have been anyone at any time in that back alley.
Yes, but the only reason that his parents were even in that back alley was him. It's not like they left the theater because the show was over and just picked the wrong alley at the wrong time.
They didn't even go out the front door for the simple reason that Thomas Wayne wanted to save his son a bit of humiliation.
**The origin of The Joker has never fully been explained in the comics.
Some include the start of his reign from that time, some start with him as a sadistic child who murdered his father. Surely you wouldn't hold it against this film, which has already taken many liberties, to take another gander at The Joker's past.**
Not at all, it's just I expected more to happen in that last minute based on comments here that what actually did happen.
And the comics haven't come right out and shown his origin perhaps, but the basic outline is well known and has been for a very long time: gangster takes a chemical bath thanks to Batman and goes nuts.
again draws attention to the fact that the name of the film is Batman Begins not 'Batman I've Been Doing This For Years, Have Found My Path In Life And Have Settled My Goals'
Draws attention to the fact that this is supposed to be 'Batman', whose story as somebody consumed with a desire to right a wrong has been firmly entrenched in popular culture for about seventy years. The film-makers instead chose to make Angsty McBatman instead.
The traditional depiction of Batman as a character is that found his path in life and settled his goals when he was a kid. Does he have doubts? Sure, but it's not like he just up and decided to make something out of himself one day. I never got the impression that this righting wrongs business is something that has driven him from the moment his parents died, which is an integral part of the character.
No normal human, especially young adults, suddenly sees every ideal they want to live for before them.
Yes, but Bruce Wayne is decidely not normal.
I saw it with a bunch of friends yesterday.
I was a little apprehensive because, while some superhero films sort of work trying to make the mythology fit into the real world (like Spiderman or X-Men), I've always enjoyed the Batman movies for their campy quality, the great costumes and the villains. This won't be that popular, but when I was a kid, I didn't like Batman - because he had the personality of a plank to me, not to mention no superpowers. But I adored the villains. And I loved the whole themesong, car, butler, Bat-symbol-skylight-thing (Sorry ^^).
So I kind of didn't want to see Batman all gritty and realistic.
I came out with mixed opinions:
The Bad (and the petty)
The Good
Overall, I prefer the other Batman movies (Not the George Clooney one, the older ones), but it was a pretty entertaining film, just a tad long.
**Yes, but the only reason that his parents were even in that back alley was him. It's not like they left the theater because the show was over and just picked the wrong alley at the wrong time.
They didn't even go out the front door for the simple reason that Thomas Wayne wanted to save his son a bit of humiliation.**
So if someone gets shot in a real life robbery because they decide to walk down the street it's their own fault? How about deciding to go get a burger from Wendy's and getting blind-sided by a drunk driver?
Yes you could say Bruce was at fault, sure, but he's a human being making what we all assume to be a simple decision. In real life we all make simple decisions and end up dead. You're going to say he killed his parents for being human. Think about it as if it were real, not pulp fiction. The person carrying the gun, the knife or the individual who chose to drink and drive is fully responsible for their own actions.
**Not at all, it's just I expected more to happen in that last minute based on comments here that what actually did happen.
And the comics haven't come right out and shown his origin perhaps, but the basic outline is well known and has been for a very long time: gangster takes a chemical bath thanks to Batman and goes nuts.**
You're saying you would have preferred no referrence to The Joker?
And like I said, many origins have dealt with him being maniacle from his youth.
Draws attention to the fact that this is supposed to be 'Batman', whose story as somebody consumed with a desire to right a wrong has been firmly entrenched in popular culture for about seventy years. The film-makers instead chose to make Angsty McBatman instead.
I think that's good. No need to follow old ways. Batman is only human and should have a learning curve.
The traditional depiction of Batman as a character is that found his path in life and settled his goals when he was a kid. Does he have doubts? Sure, but it's not like he just up and decided to make something out of himself one day. I never got the impression that this righting wrongs business is something that has driven him from the moment his parents died, which is an integral part of the character.
And how realistic is it that any individual finds his path in reality as a kid?
Yes, but Bruce Wayne is decidely not normal.
Not anymore he isn't. And that should all change from now.
Ok, I'm going to see it Tuesday. I'll post my thoughts here afterwards.
Originally posted by Ubiq@Jun 18 2005, 10:55 PM
So Batman was going to pull a Jack Ruby on his parents' killer? BATMAN?
Do you mean Batman was going to kill Joe Chill? If so, that makes perfect sense.
Did it kind of happen like this?:
In the comic books (Batman Year Two), Batman holds a gun up to Joe Chill's head (to be specific, it's actually the gun Joe Chill used to kill his parents). Before that, he takes off his Batman mask and reveals himself to Joe Chill, and tells him who he is. You never find out if Batman would have done it though, because another vigilante (the Reaper), shoots Joe Chill in the back of the head while Batman is still pointing the gun at Joe. I'm pretty sure Joe Chill dies thinking Batman killed him though. And Batman did seem like he would have killed Joe…he probably wouldn't have revealed his secret identity otherwise.
It's only after this story that Batman decides to never use guns and stuff. Anyway, early Batman was a lot more...I dunno...he actually was kind of "angsty" I guess.
I haven't gotten to read the follow up to Year Two (Full Circle) so I don't know if any more is revealed.
These comics are part of continuity…they aren't Elseworlds or anything.
So if Batman thinks of killing Joe Chill in the movie, it only means the movie-makers are trying to be accurate and true to the comics. Early Batman was not quite as unwavering in his beliefs as he is later.
Early Batman was not quite as unwavering in his beliefs as he is later.
yeah if you read some of the older comics batman isnt like i will never kill and i will never let anyone die infront of me. he actualy lets villans fall to their deaths adn doesnt bother to save them. and at one piont he does cary a gun. but he grows and develops and decides that he wont let anyone die even the bad guys
I've yet to see the (great?) movie, but I found this pretty funny:
Cruise "steals the show"
Holmes pays for it.
It's interesting when Batman's "code" is conflicted; it mostly happens when it involves the Joker. He nearly killed the Joker after he murdered Robin, and nearly did it again in "Hush" when he thought the Joker murdered his friend(forget his name, and the fact he was holding a gun and grinning like an idiot didn't help Mr. J). The latter I thought was interesting because Joker was begging him to stop, saying he was innocent and that his gun was full of blanks, but Batman kept pummeling him until Gordon intervened.
To me, this was just a plain, awesome movie. I loved almost every second of it. The pacing at the beginning threw me off a tiny bit (and that resolved itself quickly), but the rest of it really drew me in, and it had great acting, a great story, and great directing. I'm not complaining about a thing.
I'm not really a Batman fan (although I did like the original animated series as a kid) and I don't really remember the other movies since it's been forever since I saw them. But I think the fact that this movie could be thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated by someone who is not into the comics says a lot. In fact, I think this movie could be enjoyed by someone who is not into comics period. It didn't feel like a comicbook movie to me, it just felt like an awesome movie period.
I hear a lot of that is not simply from their thing together, rather her sudden outspokeness about accepting Scientology right around the movie's release.
"She won't be in the sequel… the next romantic interest will be a much stronger actress."
Ouch! Her personal life strictly aside, I thought she was fairly solid in her role. Even though it was a minor part & her character could've been written better, she held the role quite well. It's sad that they'd attack her acting ability over this. :(
I saw the movie yesterday, and I thought it was excellent.
yeah if you read some of the older comics batman isnt like i will never kill and i will never let anyone die infront of me. he actualy lets villans fall to their deaths adn doesnt bother to save them. and at one piont he does cary a gun. but he grows and develops and decides that he wont let anyone die even the bad guys
Yeah, that was Golden Age Batman.
Saw the movie on Sunday and I loved it. I'm a fairly big Batman fan anyway, but this movie really raised a lot of points that I love about the character and the universe he inhabits. And I love that they hired actors for this, not just big-name stars, but people that really get inside their characters' heads and live there: Christian Bale, Michael Cane, Morgan Freeman, Gary Oldman, Liam Neeson, Cillian Murphy, Ken Watanabe…. seriously, when was the last time you saw a lineup like that in a movie? It makes such a huge difference in terms of believing what's going on onscreen, when the actors can make even the most unbelievable thing seem plausible. And while some of the dialogue was a little stilted and odd-sounding, they really did a good job of making it seem natural.
I'm just so happy to finally see a comic book movie try its hardest to be faithful to the source material. The fact that it's Batman on top of it, makes me happy. Now if only they'd thought of that with the damn Catwoman movie, I'd be ecstatic....
after seeing this movie 3 times it is clear that this was a very good batman movie
In other news, can someone tell me if this is a joke or not? I want to say it is, but my cynical side just can't let go of the idea that someone's genuinely that stupid. And yes, it is on topic.
Ummm….. yeah you know I would like to tell you that this is a joke, because no ones taste in movies can be soo bad as to actually prefer Batman and Robin over the original Batman movie. Unfortunately I have heard a lot of these sentiments echoed by people who call themselves Batman fans just because they remember the old TV show. Honestly I thought this movie was awesome and I would hope that anyone writing a review for it would be able to get there actors right. I mean Samuel Jackson???? How do you confuse Morgan Freeman with Samuel Jackson?