Kojmia who?
Cat Shit One
Kojmia who? -
Haha, holy shit. I think I read about rabbits like this in another manga a few years back. Maybe it's the same guy … I can't recall what the manga was called though, and I think it was about the Vietnam war instead.
Yup same series. In the US it was released as Apocalypse Meow (manga).
So I'm guessing that the donkeys are Iraqis …
Well, it's very cool looking anyway, though I'm wondering how the title is supposed to match up when the Vietnamese (or was it the Koreans) are the cats. Maybe it's called Cat Shit One because it's a giant litter box.
IIRC, Cat Shit One is the team's name.
Also that doesn't look like Iraq, more like Afghanistan, though I could be wrong :P -
It's a desert, so somewhere around there, I guess.
Hell, maybe this is about Desert Storm - I don't know. If that one rabbit guy's there (Botansky, I think) Desert Storm sounds about right if that other manga really was about Vietnam. I think he was in that one …
Let me get this straight. …there's a manga called "Cat Shit One" that is getting an anime. Its cute little fuzzy bunnies and kittens in a reastic voilent war story... released stateside as "Appocolypse Meow."
I... am officially wierded out. (says the guy with the Christmas Wolf avatar)
This one seems to be about the bunnies and donkeys in some war in a desert actually.
donkeys? they looked like camels too me…but anyways this looks awesome, now I am eager to see all 12 episodes of this series.