Actually I rather like Anilinkz, only because 1) They have ALOT of stuff, and 2) They usually have multiple links in case traffic is high or a link gets broken/deleted. Unfortunately some of it can be poor quality (had to watch reeeally LQ movie 9 from there because I couldn't find a place to direct download it). They also update pretty well, too. But that damn chat box bugs me a LOT. People talk about weird and inappropriate sh*t in there, so I always have to minimize my screen just to see the video box (or fullscreen it if it's good enough quality). Other than the chatters that's the place I've been going to for a couple of weeks to catch up on my OP. Also had to make my own screenshots from there because NO ONE replied to my request on the pic thread and I had to go out and buy stuff. But yeah, I'm rambling again, here's a link for you peeps: The early eps. aren't bad, good ol' Kaizoku Fansubs. ^^ Anything G8 up though is variable, can be good or bad quality. They also have this crack 2 minute long show that I found called "Chi's Sweet Home", which I LOVE the manga of, but they need to update that too.
Also, I used to love InstantZ, I used it to catch up a LOT, but recently a lot of their veoh links are gone/being deleted, so they have to find alt. links that don't work sometimes. And their OP section is heavy in no updates. They have other stuff that works though, so I use it as a resorce in times of boredom.