I admit, I'm not the biggest Anime/Manga fan you will ever meet. I have a handful of favorite animes, and One Piece is the only Manga I've ever bothered to read.
I've been into One Piece long enough and liked One Piece enough (always on my mind sometimes) that I feel I'm a 100% fan. But I have one issue.
Whenever I mention One Piece to someone, they usually mention how they think the art style is ugly. Some might like the series, some might hate it.
Maybe it's just me, BUT I DON'T SEE IT! A part of me thinks maybe I'm too blind or stupid to see it.
I need to ask, is the art really that fugly compared to other manga or anime?
EDIT: Side note…this isn't a statement saying that anyone who says it looks ugly is stupid, nor am I defending One Piece's art style.