Hello. I don't know if any of you have seen anything like this. If you haven't, here's are a few examples of what I am talking about:
Bleach: (Has subtitles within the annotations)
Code Geass:
Suikoden: (subtitles)
In any case, I need something from you guys! I need opinions on who should be what in the video. Please note that I will only be using Canon (non-anime) Marines in the video, meaning no Straw Hats. However, in one scene in the video, I will be using CP9.
In any case, my initial concept is to use the following characters in the video in the places I mention, in order of appearance in the video:
Student (the one who shouts out Sensei) #1: Koby
Sensei: Either Garp or Bogart (Haven't decided yet).
Male #1: Smoker
Female #1: Hina
Student #2: Helmeppo
Group where men outnumber women: CP9
Male #2: Garp (if not used before) or John Giant
Female #2: Tsuru
Dancer Group #1: Koby and Helmeppo
Subordinate (the one that shouts out Taicho) #1: Aokiji
Subordinate #2: Akinu
Taicho: Sengoku
Male #3: Nezumi
Female #3: Bellemere
Subordinate #3: Kizaru
Male #3: Ripper
Female #3: Tashigi
Dancer Group #2: Aokiji and Kizaru
Dancer Group #3: Jango and Fullbody
Note that I omitted a few things here, such as still images for use in the video as to what the students and subordinates are complaining about, brief cameos during the dance, etc. Feel free to suggest things for this as well as I can't think of too much. I want to try and use every canon marine in the video at least once.
Who I think would be nice as the people who cameo during the dance:
Attachan (Oh hells yes)
Berry Good
Pudding Pudding
Anyway, enough of that. Anyone have suggestions of their own?
Oh, some rules:
1. Don't suggest not to make this video. I've already made up my mind. To those who would suggest, merely say nothing and hope other things come up and I have to indefinately put the project on hold.
2. Do not suggest Pirates (including the Straw Hats), Cipher Pol members, ex-marines, filler marines, and others.
3. Use common sense with your suggestions.
4. No, there is no such video like this out yet. There are two made for One Piece already, but I consider this an alternative venture.
5. Feel free to ask questions that don't conflict with the rules I already set, especially rule #3.
Anyway, thanks in advance for your suggestions, sorry if my post here is a little jumbled up and hard to understand, and I hope I get a bunch of responses!