I'm Interested In Purchasing A PS3
But I Want One Thats Downwards Compatable
Were Can I Find One For Sale
Because I Know All Of The New Ones Arent & I'm Not Afraid To Buy Online
Playstation Downwards Compatability
I'm Interested In Purchasing A PS3
But I Want One Thats Downwards Compatable
Were Can I Find One For Sale
Because I Know All Of The New Ones Arent & I'm Not Afraid To Buy OnlineDownwards? You mean backwards?
First, take a look at this website: http://www.us.playstation.com/Support/CompatibleStatus
It will tell you what PS1 and PS2 games are compatible with different versions of the PS3. After you figure out what kind of PS3 works best for you, check online retailers (Amazon, eBay, or the websites of major department stores) for the model you're after.
I just don't understand why they couldn't make all of them backwards compatible with all games. I mean, what's the problem? They can't figure out their own technology?
The earlier models of PS3s had built-in Emotion Engines, which was the same hardware that PS2 consoles used. They could play pretty much every game without problems. To save money on producing systems and to make the hardware easier to update, they replaced the Emotion Engine with some emulation software when they released the 80 gig model. The emulations software can't run certain games at full speed as a result, including my Ratchet & Clank games.
It's not an issue of "figuring out their own technology," it's an issue of efficiently producing units. Stay in school.
Fuck school. Doesn't really matter to me, I have a working Playstation and Playstation 2, so if one can't play another, done and done.
I know, it really does seem dumb, though to expect backwards compatibility all the time.Even the systems that do have it, not all games work so what's the point in getting rid of old systems?
I've never even had the urge to play my PS2 games in my Ps3. It just seems weird.
Does any PSX games work on PS3? I just figured to ask. I don't see myself playing PSX games any times soon anyway.
I always get rid of old systems. Although I think I might still have a crappy old Commodore 64 somewhere. I'm not sure. But, yeah, I always try to get rid of old systems. It's saves space which is always nice and money I get from selling old systems helps with expenses of buying new systems. So I think there's a fair amount of point in doing so. Besides I rather play new games than old and I don't really collect stuff.
But, still, backwards compatability is always a plus. There are some PS2 games I would still like to try someday but since I don't have my PS2 anymore… :sideways:
I just restored my ps2 today, had so much dust in it, only because I think ps2 is getting some good games recently, KE RE:, DBZ INF. etc.
That's pretty much it, tho. The PS2 is probably not gonna have any new games made for it by 2010, if that. I'm fine with that tho, cause there's tons of games on it I've yet to play. Who needs a current-gen system right now? I sure don't, not with how I procrastinate.
I was able to get a used 60gb earlier this year, so yay backwards compatibility!
Here's the breakdown:
20gb and 60gb NA models (launch consoles): 98% backwards compatibility
60gb EU and older 80gb NA model (using emulation software): 90% backwards compatibility
40gb, current 80gb NA, 80gb EU, 160gb models: 0% backwards compatibilityHow can you tell if the 80gb model you're looking at is one of the older versions or the current version? The OLDER model number is CECHExx (backwards compatible), the CURRENT model number is CECHKxx (not backwards compatible). So if you're in Europe, good luck finding a 60gb PS3. That's the only way you'll get backwards compatibility. Luckily, most PS3 owners don't really care about this feature. I'm one of the few who do. Also, Persona fans care about backwards compatibility as well.
Does any PSX games work on PS3? I just figured to ask. I don't see myself playing PSX games any times soon anyway.
Yes, they work.