curry case ocurred in 02' so it's kinda old news but recently this guy is has been talking. this guy is strong. Eating arsenic with your curry, now that's some balls.
Wow…I'm surprised his stomach hasn't ripped open, let alone him getting very ill..That's some skills right there.
Some people are just plain loopy.
I'm sur he had the dreaded "Ring of Fire" BAD after that one.
Even less than a teaspoon of Arsenic can kill,so how in the world is this guy doing it? -
Secret-mind-blowing-Training-every-day-meditating-on-flaming-rocks powers.
maybe an informal chemistry project is taking place in the cooking pot, and the arsenic is neutralised by other ingredients?
I don't think so….Arsenic is an extremely powerful poison.
I think he just has an iron stomach. -
Eh, I get this:
リクエストされたオブジェクトを見つけることができません。リンクが切れている、リクエストが不正確、アクセス権が与えられていない等の可能性があります。 参照しているページの情報をサイト管理者に知らせてください。Something like "Can't be displayed. Request…" XD That's all I can make out
broken link is all i see and it shows me a link to AP forums again