Just curious if anyone who posts here plays on xbox live.
ahh.. never played it on xbox live, but i played it online last year at school in my comp class XD teacher kept busting us but we still went online and played anyways :D
never was any good in that game, i kept jumping around and i died because of it :( everyone in my comp class kept laughing at me so i quit playing it. yep quit a trauma to me back then :P -
Yes, I play regularly. We should organize an Arlong Park clan or at least schedule a few games, once a week?
I hate to brag, but I'm pretty god damned good at Halo 2. Give me the Pistol/SMG combo with a Sniper Rifle, and I'm liable to kick some serious butt…
Just watch out for the Hebrew Hammer, because he's no f'ing slouch or easy kill.
I recently started playing it again recently (got lvl 19 in team slayer 16 in rumble pit) and 18 in double team. I made a clan called the The Shichibukai :)
gamer tag is fubukii if anyone would like to arrange a game sometime maybe play some team slayer too :)
eh im not a huge fan of the sniper rifle personally, but if im forced to use it i will. I prefer mid to lcose quarters fighting (favorite combo would be Battle rifle shotgun/sword)
I own Halo2 (limited edition version at that) but I dont think its deserves all the hype and aknolegment that pepole give it. I would like to hear from the fans, why you think its a great game? I respect all of you for liking it, but Iwas just wondering why it appeals to a lot of players.
the gameplay is smooth, alot of people play it. alot of my rl friends play it. A game is funner is you know people who play it also ^.^
I don't own Halo 2, but I love the game. I've only played it 3-4 times though. It's one of the only FPS games I like. That's the same with what I hear from some of my pals (the other ones who play lots of FPS's don't quite like Halo as much as we do).
Ah, the Halo series and Final Fantasy series, or VII in most respect, are two of my favourite games. Especially at GameFAQs, it seems there is an anti-FFVII fanboy base. Er, well, you know what I mean. I'm kind of like Seta Ginny in that I'm somewhat sensitive when it comes to my favourite video games being bashed, since some places I've gone to have constantly CONSTANTLY bashed them. And when I mean just bash, I think it's just because they think the game's popular. Ah well. They irritate me, sure, but I'll live with it.
Anyways, sorry for getting sidetracked there, Halo's story immersed me into the gameplay, at least, moreso after I read the prequel book. The environment is something….. new. Well, not exactly new, but it's very rich and not in a building all the time. I don't know, I like the heroic theme built around it, the music, the plot, etc. I'm not a fan of FPS', as I may have mentioned, but Halo just seems to appeal to me. It's simple to play, and quite enjoyable too.
I own the PC version and will probably be playing online again soon. (I don't have an XBox) Although..... I'm rather..... not THAT skilled. :lol:
I play!
Well,I finished Legendary mode in about 5 hours.
That's all.
fOh,and I kicked my pro friends ass with a sniper rifle and 2 needlers. -
I like the sniper rifle, pistol, & shotgun the best….. Oh, right, Halo 2. Hmm, duel SMG's are nice. I'm still not that great with PP & SMG combos. Or PP combos in general for both games. I'm also not that great in Halo 2 with the joystick instead of the mouse (since I'm adjusted to using the mouse to play regular Halo).
My friend and I once had this needler battle in Halo on Sidewinder. Ha ha, he won.
Ha ha, I haven't had time to play Halo. But with summer coming, I hope to finally finish going through normal again and finishing the game on each difficulty level. Then..... maybe play Halo 2 at my friends. Hopefully. The multiplayer is fun.
needlers are so horrible :(
I do agree that it's a game which appeals gamers who normally aren't the biggest fan of the genre - like me. I usually hate most of the FPS, they're nobrainer. But I do enjoy this one a lot, while not as much as some of the other games, it's not an enlighting experience for sure, but it's still pretty playable. I did like the first game more though, silly me.
Hhehe,I love Needlers!
They bounce all over the place and if you get the angle just right,you can shoot around a corner! -
thye are so weak though
Well,theyre good for a rapid fire weapon.
Which map do you like most?
I like Foundation. -
Old maps: (Sidewinder, Blood Gulch, Hang 'Em High & Damnation)
New maps: (Zanzibar, Ivory Tower, Waterworks & Lockout)
Super new maps: (Warlock… don't like the other one much) :P -
Oh yeah….Waterworks rocks.
It's my best strategy map when I'm fighting my pro friends. -
i prefer smaller stages because im more into a rumble pit style of fighting.
Ivory tower, foundation, warlock and my favorite large level is coagulation
EDit: someone send me a invite on live and we can get some slayer on :)
Favourites on Halo include Hang 'em High, Sidewinder, Infinity, & Gephyrophobia. There's probably more, but those are my absolute favourites right now. Then again, I like all of the maps.
Favourite on Halo 2 is Lockout. Snow (not the artist mind you) is awesome, that level is awesome, etc. Oh, and Headlong rocks as well. XD Ha ha, good memories.
Hmm, I personally think all weapons are useful and none are essentially weak. That, or I just don't know how to utilize some of them well. Needlers can sometimes make awesome and interesting looking kills, but for the most part, I suck with needlers in multiplayer.
Anyone downloaded the new map pack available today? It's fairly cheap, but my Live account is on my sister's CC. So I shouldn't…... or should I? :unsure: :ph34r:
I think paying for the mappack is bullshit considering they said they were gonna give us free updates. Haven't been playing for a few months now, Phantom Dust and Forza been stealing my time away from it. All my friends keep inviting me to games tho and bugging me to play :? Fun game I think. i'm yarichin on XBL.
I used to play it. But now, I can't even play X Box, since mine was stolen.
Originally posted by yarichin@Jul 6 2005, 11:35 AM
I think paying for the mappack is bullshit considering they said they were gonna give us free updates.[snapback]83959[/snapback]Yeh it's a bit of a rort, but I think all the maps will eventually be free by the end of the year. I think Sanctuary and Turf became free a few days ago, or that's what I've read.
~hops on to XBL to check
I know, old topic but I just tried out my Xbox Live 2 month trial. I'm pretty bad at the game, but feel free to look for me. My Xbox Gamertag is Mr 0 Crocodile
I only like playing Foundation….I suck when I play X-Box live.
All the maps from the 'map pack' should now be available to XBL subscribers, free of charge, of course. I'm glad I waited. XD
(New Maps)