Now, I like video games as much as the next person, as I'm sure we all do, but even so there are times when we have to admit there are some things about video games and the video game industry that just gets on our nerves. So here's the thread to discuss them.
Here's something that grinds my gears about video games: when, in order to achieve an unlockable or a bonus mission (or sometimes even advance), you have to perform a long, tedious, and, above all, stupid task. Let's take Kingdom Hearts II for example. Recently, I've been playing the Paradox Titan Cup and in Jiminy's Journal there's a mission where you have to get 10,000 points and finish the cup.
Now, the rules here are that you can only use summons (which you'll need), but no matter how much you do it the conventional way (beating the everloving crap out of the baddies, upfront) you'll never get the 10,000. So, pretty much the only way to do it is to make a Stitch summon and use his Ukelele attack to make the baddies drop a bunch of orbs (without damaging them) and get a bunch of points. The ukelele attack works by continuously tapping the square button and you can use it about 3 or 4 times per summon. So basically what this amounts to is 20-30 minutes of button-mashing while getting points at a horrendously slow pace.
Honestly, what did the game designers have in mind? "Here lets put this extra mission in where it's impossible to do unless you mash the square button for 30 minutes, just to f*ck with the gamers!" I mean, it's not like it even improves your skills at the game. Now, fighting Sephiroth is another challenging…challege, but with that at least it challenges you to work up a strategy in order to defeat him, which, I think, is much more rewarding than mashing a button for 30 minutes. And this is isn't just exclusive to Kingdom Hearts, there are tons of other examples in other games...that are not coming to mind right now.
And I've gone on way too long. But that's my gripe. What's yours?