One Piece - 234 RAW.
Yes, yes… Maplesnow ver. first as per usual. Saiyaman RAW pending. B) One Piece - 234 RAW.
Yes, yes… Maplesnow ver. first as per usual. Saiyaman RAW pending. B)
A lot of good things have been coming out lately, but…..I gotta get this! Thanks.
DAmn what a great episode…
Anyway the animation is back to normal.. It's better than the last episode :P
We also had the chance to hear the voices of the Square Sisters.
and on the NEXT EPISODE: Luffy and Usopp would argue now :(
Yeh, awesome episode. Heh, I thought Toei would've taken a cue from the march to Arlong park with the Franky House scene :) they also added a nice little Usopp tribute, which was a nice touch. Still a bit iffy on Kazuki Yao's Franky, it's sort of a love/hate thing at the moment, just gotta it give more time, I guess.
Animation was nice, where it mattered. Hopefully the animation team keeps it for the next two or three episodes.
Do they rush in Franky house? If that´s in this episode, i´ll download it
Yep, this is the episode. :D
Who voices the Square Sisters and Corgi?
i loved it when they were fighting in the franky house XD that was the best part ^_^
You guys watch RAWs, and you understand them? I saw one of 229, and I could understand some of the Japanese.
Really, I understand a quite small amount. But these episodes are pretty accurate to the manga, so you can take a lot of the lines from there.
Watching right now!
I can read some chinese, so i partly understand what was going on :P
Originally posted by Senshi Mizaka
You guys watch RAWs, and you understand them? I saw one of 229, and I could understand some of the Japanese.
Want subs of the later episodes? Gerusama's Subs
He's only up to 231 (or is it 232? I forget), though. I would admonish you to finish with K-F's subs, though. You should watch Skypiea before going to Water 7.
I´m kinda the same as Buccaneer. Though I´m sure I understand less japanese then him.
Actually I´m just familiar with a couple of words but it´s a good training to get at least memorized in your brain. And if quite regularly a new word pops up constantly then I just check what it means and it is also memorized. A good approach if I should someday begin to learn japanese.
Besides, just as Bucc said, this arc is very coherent to the manga for now, so it should basically be easy to get what´s going on. But that doesn´t mean that I´m not going to download the K-F versions once they get there. I just don´t want to wait that long to see the current manga art in voice and color. :D
Originally posted by Buccaneer@Jun 5 2005, 11:09 PM
**Really, I understand a quite small amount. But these episodes are pretty accurate to the manga, so you can take a lot of the lines from there.Watching right now!
ooh thanx for that, now im going to download it
Since I've read the manga chapters, I know what's going on anyway, but I tend to like to wait for subs. I like to see the dialogue. :P I might not be able to wait for the next few, though. :mellow:
Originally posted by CosmicDebris@Jun 5 2005, 09:28 PM
Since I've read the manga chapters, I know what's going on anyway, but I tend to like to wait for subs. I like to see the dialogue. :P I might not be able to wait for the next few, though. :mellow:
True about the dialog thing, but whenever somebody does a stupid thing and he gets called baka for that it is already a dialog that should be understood and about which you can laugh. :lol:
True about the dialog thing, but whenever somebody does a stupid thing and he gets called baka for that it is already a dialog that should be understood and about which you can laugh.
That's true, there's lots of common words and phrases that I understand (I think I've learned more Japanese from One Piece than I have my books) But when there's a lot of complicated stuff being said, I'm lost. I can watch a mostly humorous filler episode with no subs, but when something really important and dramatic is going on, I want to know exactly what's being said. It has more impact on me than just guessing based on what I know…you know? :D sigh wish I had taken Japanese in high school instead of Spanish. :P
No such option for me, but I have a Chinese class next year, so maybe I'll be able to read Maple's version of 280. :P
The animation was awesome in this ep. The walk to the house was cool, and I loved the Gomu Gomu no Cannon. There were a few odd things, but I just barely noticed them.
I think Yao did a better job as Franky in 233 than here, though.
Originally posted by CosmicDebris@Jun 5 2005, 09:41 PM
**> True about the dialog thing, but whenever somebody does a stupid thing and he gets called baka for that it is already a dialog that should be understood and about which you can laugh.That's true, there's lots of common words and phrases that I understand (I think I've learned more Japanese from One Piece than I have my books) But when there's a lot of complicated stuff being said, I'm lost. I can watch a mostly humorous filler episode with no subs, but when something really important and dramatic is going on, I want to know exactly what's being said. It has more impact on me than just guessing based on what I know…you know? :D sigh wish I had taken Japanese in high school instead of Spanish. :P
True that. Actually the funny parts are just what makes me enjoy a raw, but whenever I´ve seen the Doflamingo parts in episode 207 I wanted to understand them. I mean I know from Stephens site what he says in the manga, but I still want to have Kaizoku-Fansubs in this episodes. Watching that isn´t that kind of fun if you don´t understand a word.
Though, I have to admit that Doflamingo´s "Hmmm?" after a beat up Bellamy is starting to talk to him so damn cool! It´s just a "Hmmm?" but the voice actor gives Doflamingo so much arogant badass shichibukai characterisica in just that sound. I looooove it! :D
Originally posted by CosmicDebris+Jun 5 2005, 04:19 PM–>QUOTE(CosmicDebris @ Jun 5 2005, 04:19 PM)
just finished watching it. a nice episode overall. i liked how they all had there moments and how chopper acted brave
Haha, I have the good hdtv raw from winny. o.o
Does saiyaman have aim?
Thanks for the real raw Crump (Raws have no subs, period.)
I LOVED that episode. To me, it matches 126 (well almost).
234 Saiyaman RAW out, for those still waiting.
Awesome episode, now one of my favourites… although I'm sure I'll be saying that more than once this arc. I've been waiting for that one scene to be animated forever. And the Usopp flashes were a nice add in.
I still have to get used to Kazuki Yao as Franky as well, luckily it's just different enough to not be really distracting.
Seeing Luffy in serious captain mode is just too cool (and saddening) for words :o
OMG I didn't even notice this was out ! (busy watching movie 3. I could've done without that :lol: )
Downloading downloading. Will give thoughts tomorrow, tonight I have to finish up one last English project.
Just finished watching the ep, and it has to be the best one for this arc yet. I can't wait for the next episode and I hope they don't take another week off soon. Though I can't help but think that might of been why the animation was as good as it was for this week's episode.
Originally posted by KatanaJon@Jun 6 2005, 04:32 AM
Who voices the Square Sisters and Corgi?
Kiwi … 塩山由佳 Yuka Shioyama
Mozu ... 福井美樹 Miki Fukui
Corgi ... 江川央生 Hisao egawa
Can someone screencap a pic of the Square Sisters so I can revamp my avatar with the real colors.
it's a real pity that theirs no speedsubber for OP :(
Originally posted by Anime Master@Jun 6 2005, 03:49 PM
Can someone screencap a pic of the Square Sisters so I can revamp my avatar with the real colors.
Thanks. Now next week I can see the colors of their clothes. Thanks again EvilGamerX. You da man.
Sounds great, but I think I´ll wait for Gerusama´s. I hope it come soon. :P
damn it's hurts me more than it did in the manga when i see Usopp suffer in these last eps. the decorating fo ranky house was decently animated.
so will the fight between Usopp and Luffy start in next ep i wonder. or will they just argue the whole ep?
Finally saw the episode. I have to say that I really like Franky´s voice already though I think I know why it may appear a bit out of place to some people. Though we all know how Franky really looks that damn mask still takes so much damn attention for itself that it appears that Yao´s voice acting doesn´t go along with the mask.
But if he actually just think about Franky´s face and behaviour then actually it all fits somehow together IMO. I think Yao already tries to sound like the real Franky and not like a masked mysterous guy. I´m pretty sure once we see animated Franky without his mask everyone will think that the voice is actually a pretty decent one.
Kiwi … 塩山由佳 Yuka Shioyama
Mozu ... 福井美樹 Miki Fukui
Corgi ... 江川央生 Hisao egawa
Thank you very much.
I liked Yao better this ep, he did a surprisingly good job at sounding menacing, imo.
And I almost cried when Usopp was getting the crap knocked out of him while screaming "G-GIVE IT BACK…!!"
I'd have to say that this was as good, if not better, than the manga. An excellent episode.
Next episode.... tch.
Yeah, Yao was menacing here, but I liked his calmer voice better. I'm afraid of him going full tilt and breaking out into the Bon voice.
Oh, btw, who does Zanbai's voice? It's awesome.
Agreed, Zanbai´s voice really got me. I think it´s great.
…hey, I just noticed somnething.
When they exchanged the gold, they got 300 Million.
Franky stole 200 Million.
So... do they still have 100 Million? What happened with that? I assume Nami confiscated it..
Yep they still have it. It was said that they can still get all of the good Galley-la ships with that amount of money.
BTW, that´s another reason for the Strawhats to return to Water 7 because I highly doubt that Nami would have taken that much money with her on such a dangerous mission. And I doubt anyone expects that she will just leave the money behind and move on to the next island once CP9 is defeated. :D
You guys like his voice? I really hate it, it's kind of obnoxious. Well, that's Zanbai for ya….
Well at least you wont have to hear for a long time until the Train Situation stars. ;)
Awww man they did the march just like I thought they would. Surrounded music and everything. <3 <3 <3 I was happy, haha.
And yeah, I don't think Kazuki Yao (ahaha I almost put 'Yaoi') is as bad a Franky as everyone's making him out to be. Like who-was-it-I-can't-remember said, right now we're seeing the mean mysterious side of Franky and not the… speedo. :lol: I dunno. He already does that perfect gyaaaauuuuu sound for both Jango and Bon Clay already, I can see it with Franky.
(I was very happy to see beat-up-age, mm. Well, not of Usopp, but you know what I mean.)
Oh, so they really did use that music from the Arlong Park march? Nifty.
Really want to watch…not sure if I'm going to wait or not.
I also love that 'oh shit' look that the Square Sisters give each other at the train station after they hear about the Franky House. :lol: I don't know why it makes me crack up but I love it.
Somebody MUST tell me what the name of that march song, because I loves it. Brings back all kinds of fight-hyping-related memories.
That episode kicked as much ass as I expected it to, which is a whole lot of ass. Still not sure what I think of Franky's voice, I'm going to have to see him in non-villain mode before casting judgement.
That song is "You Were Cornered" from the Music & Song Collection 2. Request it in the music thread & someone will upload it. ;)
I usually translate that as "Surrounded"… >.>